Newstalk – March 18

On March 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

We here at The Times hope that everyone out there is staying safe and following the social distancing guidelines to keep this coronavirus threat at the lowest level possible. Please check in on your neighbors and help anyone that might not be able to get out and go to the store.

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Older people (age 50 and up) and people of all ages with severe underlying health conditions seem to be at higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness. The CDC advises that it is “extra important” that persons with higher risk take action to help prevent exposure to the virus, and that all of us take actions to limit the spread in order to protect ourselves and those most vulnerable to complications.

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Our View of the Times – March 18

On March 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Everyone knows what’s going on right now, as we seek strategies for coping with the challenges of mitigating the spread of the coronavirus.

We are being asked to practice “social distancing” in order to help avoid spreading the virus between us. This will not be a cure-all, but it is likely to greatly enhance the possibilities for reducing the number of new infections.

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News from Representative Denise Provost

On March 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By State Representative Denise Provost

MORE Coronavirus Updates

 New Public Health Restrictions:

Our state’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has directed all elementary and secondary schools in Massachusetts to suspend “educational operations” from Tuesday, March 17, until April 7, 2020. Somerville’s public schools have been closed since March 11. Read further in this newsletter for more information about how school meals will be safely provided to students.

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The Somerville Times Historical Fact of the Week – March 18

On March 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Eagle Feathers #200 – Titanic Heroes

By Bob (Monty) Doherty

At Presidents Park in Washington, D.C., a memorial fountain was erected in October 1912. It was constructed in memory of Major Archibald Butt, military aide to President Theodore Roosevelt and President Howard Taft and also honors Butt’s companion, celebrated painter Francis Davis Millet.

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From the Bloc 11 Cafe: Ajda the Turkish Queen

On March 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Ajda Snyder is a talented singer/songwriter, who met with me at my usual spot at the Bloc 11 Cafe in Somerville, MA. She told me that she has lived in these environs since 2012. Snyder said of our city, “I love it here. I would like to buy a place, but it is just too expensive.”

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Lyrical Somerville – March 18

On March 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Alan Patterson writes: “In this poem, I attempted to convey in my own words, my feelings when I listen to Coltrane’s music. I believe Coltrane strove to express in his music his worship of a loving and powerful God, who sustains us daily. His masterpiece, A Love Supreme, remains one of the greatest musical testaments in that vein.”

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Effort designed to support expanded testing, maximize healthcare resources and reduce risk of incidental infection

Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) today announced that COVID-19 testing would be available to existing system patients via a stand-alone testing center at its Somerville Hospital location. Due to continued limited availability of tests, patients must meet federal criteria and be existing CHA primary care patients to be eligible for testing at this location.

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Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone announces additional closings

On March 16, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Additional gathering spaces closed as of March 17 to help contain the spread of COVID-19

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone declared a local state of emergency in Somerville on Sunday, March 15. This formal declaration gives the city the ability to take decisive action to control the spread of the coronavirus and allows the city to request reimbursement from the federal government for emergency response to this crisis.

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Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone declares a local state of emergency

On March 15, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Starting March 17 only takeout and delivery service at restaurants and all schools closed for three week statewide

In order to help control the spread of COVID-19, Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone has declared a local state of emergency in Somerville. This is in addition to Governor Charlie Baker’s order to close all bars and restaurants in the state to on-site table service through April 17; and all public and private schools through April 7. All of these measures are intended to slow the spread of the disease by limiting interpersonal contact.

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