Six Degrees of Separation

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Written on March 14, 2020 – things have gotten worse.

Well, I was going a little stir crazy in my apartment. My cat, Ketz, and I were involved in a staring contest, and I was putting off developing my online courses to sometime later this week.

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Lyrical Somerville – March 25

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Peter Desmond is my tax man and a fine poet. He prepares tax returns for writers, artists, therapists, and academics in the Cambridge/Somerville area. He’s had poems published in Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Compost Magazine, Ibbetson Street Press, The Ledge, Light (A Quarterly), Main Street Rag, and The Raintown Review. Peter is the recipient of three Cambridge Poetry Awards and was a Pushcart Prize nominee in 2004.

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SMC resumes LIVE TV – Tuesday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m.

On March 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

It’s a chance to learn the latest since SMC’s doors closed to the public more than a week ago. Somerville Media Center’s Joe Lynch and David Ortega will be chatting LIVE on SCATV Ch 3 tonight at 7:30 p.m.

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Law student from Somerville to compete on JEOPARDY! March 25

On March 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Photo Courtesy: Jeopardy Productions, Inc.

Adam Smith, a law student from Somerville, Mass., will compete on America’s Favorite Quiz Show® on  March 25 on WBZ-TV (CBS).  You can watch Smith compete on JEOPARDY! on WBZ-TV (CBS). Please check your local listing for additional information or visit

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Somerville Police Crime Log March 16 – March 22

On March 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Nicole Sandoval, of Everett, March 16, 5:42 p.m., arrested at Holland St. on a charge of operation of a motor vehicle under the influence of liquor.


Update on statewide closures, local halt to construction

On March 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

A sign of the times. Social distancing is the new norm. ~Photo by Doug Holder

Earlier today Governor Baker issued a statewide stay-at-home advisory and ordered all non-essential businesses to close effective tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24, at noon. This was the right thing to do. If we don’t take social distancing seriously and stay at home as much as is possible, COVID-19 will overwhelm our healthcare system, creating a crisis for anybody needing medical care.

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“Governor Baker’s statewide stay-at-home advisory is the right thing to do. The coronavirus represents a threat to our public health unlike anything any of us have seen before. None of us is immune to it and it spreads like wildfire. If we don’t take social distancing seriously and stay at home as much as is possible, this disease will overwhelm our healthcare system, creating a crisis for anybody with any kind of medical condition. The Governor today took a vital step  to protect the people of Massachusetts. Now it is up to each of us to do our best to keep COVID-19 in check. This is a test we can only pass by working together. People’s lives hinge on each of our actions.

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Somerville Sheltering Stories

On March 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

We want to hear from everyone who may have stories they want to share about life in Somerville during the current health crisis:

• What it’s like to be staying at home
• Your personal challenges and triumphs
• Tips on parenting and home schooling
• Local heroes and the good deeds they do
• Coping with challenging financial issues
• How you keep up your morale

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Screen time: What research says and what parents can do

On March 22, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

— Photo © monkeybusinessimages / iStock via Getty Images Plus

Screen time is a hot topic for parents and researchers alike. While digital devices are the norm, and children can certainly use them to their benefit, parents can also help children learn healthy digital habits.

Research is still working out the long-term impact of devices on kids. Here’s what’s known so far, and what you as a parent can do about it.

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SCES adopts measures to help mitigate Coronavirus risk

On March 22, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

In response to the rising number of Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in our community, Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) is announcing measures to reduce risk for the older adults, caregivers, and people with disabilities that we serve.

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