The start of street sweeping in Somerville has been delayed by two weeks to Wednesday, April 15. Normally, street sweeping takes place from April 1 until December 31. As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 emergency, we will decide if the delay will be extended and share that information as it becomes available.

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5 tips for working at home

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

#5. Dress for success: Even if you are working from the kitchen table for now, don’t hang out in your pajamas. Dress as though you are going into the office. I even recommend going out the front or back door of your home and re-enter your new place of work.

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Small businesses in Davis Sq. face impact of COVID-19

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Businesses in the Davis Sq. area, such as the Somerville Theatre, are dealing temporary closure due to the effects of COVID-19 precautionary measures.

By Jessica Sisavath

“Having the students at Tufts University leave is a big blow,” said Joyce McKenzie, owner of Nellie’s Wildflowers. The current COVID-19 pandemic led some small businesses in Davis Sq. to unexpectedly reduce their hours of operation, serve fewer customers, and possibly close temporarily.

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Dr. Alex Stone and Dr. Jacqueline Boehme from a leading Boston hospital testing a prototype for leaks and safety.

Digital fabrication company Formlabs, headquartered in Somerville, is recognized as the professional 3D printer of choice for engineers, designers, manufacturers, and decision makers around the globe.

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Plague Journal 1: The kindness of strangers…and new friends

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By William C. Shelton

It’s a matter of common decency. That’s an idea which may make some people smile, but the only means of fighting a plague is – common decency.
— Albert Camus

Continuously in print since its 1948 publication, Camus’s The Plague tells the story of a town whose people are preoccupied with the making of money, until a pandemic prevents few – other than looters and profiteers – from doing so. It is a timely read for the currently homebound.

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Newstalk – March 25

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

We here at The Times hope that everyone out there is staying safe and following the social distancing guidelines to keep this coronavirus threat at the lowest level possible. Please check in on your neighbors and help anyone that might not be able to get out and go to the store.

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Finding meaning in coronavirus crisis

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers.)

By Matthew McLaughlin
City Council President

During times of crisis people struggle to find meaning in the chaos, which leads to depression, despair and even death. During such times I reflect on Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search For Meaning. Frankl was a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor who attributed surviving a concentration camp to finding meaning in everyday activities. He summed up his philosophy with a quote from Frederich Nietzsche: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

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Go To Recipe Ideas

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


While most of us are stuck at home during this difficult and trying time, I decided to go through some recipes I collected over time for ideas when I want to switch things up. Some are healthier than others and some provide a little comfort too. A combination of baked goods, salads, and hot meals are included in the links listed below.

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Our View of the Times – March 25

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

So, we may be dealing with the frightening specter of the COVID-19 virus, but it’s still nice to know that springtime has officially arrived. We anxiously await the balmier days ahead.

One of the finer benefits of New England living is standing witness to the massive explosion of nature’s rebirth and renewal, seemingly amplified here. Grass, trees, wildlife and flowers seems to go forth and multiply at an astounding rate, as if on cue to the call for “Action!”

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3 technologies to help you feel connected to far away loved ones

On March 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

3 technologies have the potential for bringing people together when they are apart. – Photo © Ridofranz / iStock via Getty Images Plus

When it’s not possible to be near loved ones, being connected becomes more important.

Here are three technologies to feel closer to friends and family, wherever they may be:

Stream in Sync
Streaming services like Netflix are introducing new features allowing users to watch programming in sync with their friends. Whether it’s the latest episode of your favorite reality game show or a movie you’ve all been excited to see, now you can host a virtual movie night or watch-party and share your reactions to the show in a real-time chat room.

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