Washington Street Bridge/Underpass near McGrath Highway to reopen May 31; Broadway Bridge in Ball Square scheduled to reopen first week of June

The Green Line Extension (GLX) project announced that the Washington Street Bridge/Underpass near McGrath Highway in East Somerville is expected to permanently reopen on May 31. The Broadway Bridge in Ball Square is expected to reopen shortly thereafter during the first week of June. Both bridges were closed in the spring of 2019 and completely reconstructed to advance the GLX project.

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Mystic Cleaners and Tailors closes

On May 29, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

An icon is leaving Winter Hill. After sixty years in business, Mystic Cleaners and Tailors is closing. In 1955 their father opened up at 273 Broadway where the Dragon Star is  now. In 1980 they moved in at 282 Broadway where the business flourished. David, his  brother  Anthony and their employees were kind and gentle and met their customer’s needs. They had plans to retire in two years or so but the COVID19 virus pushed the business to close. Their last day is expected to be May 30. Any clothes that are not picked up can be retrieved at Utopia Cleaners, 1370 Broadway Arlington, or email mhlow21@gmail.com.

They will be missed in our community.


Obituary: Salvatore ‘Johnny’ Sillari

On May 29, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Salvatore “Johnny” Sillari died peacefully at home in Plymouth on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, with his family. Johnny was born on January 19, 1939, in Somerville into a large family from Gaeta, Italy. He was the first born child of his generation, Johnny worked hard his entire life, starting part-time at the age of twelve for his father’s successful plumbing and heating business. He graduated from Somerville High School in 1957, studied at Wentworth Institute of Technology, and then received his Master’s Plumbers License. He took over the family business, eventually passing it on to his son, Charlie. The way he lived his life gifted his children with a strong work ethic, the ability to speak their truth, and a deep generosity to others. 

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With more than $2 million in CARES Act funds on the way for COVID-19 relief, city earmarks most for tenants in need

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone announced an additional $1.5 million in rental assistance for Somerville residents experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding, which is provided by the federal CARES Act, will be distributed to local nonprofits to support rental assistance for low- and moderate-income households.

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Somerville has set its flags at half-mast to observe the passing of 100,000 dead nationally and 25 dead locally due to coronavirus.


COVID-19 update for 5/28/20

On May 28, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Dear Community Members,

Here is a COVID-19 update for Thursday, May 28.

Please also be sure to check somervillema.gov/covid19 for information and resources that are updated frequently.

Latest news:

  • Case Counts: As of 3 p.m., May 28, a total of 880 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19, 645 have since recovered, and sadly there have been 26 deaths. See more Somerville case data on the City’s COVID-19 Dashboard.

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Stolen car spotted with wrong plates

On May 28, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

While on patrol at the intersection of Broadway and Cross Street, a Somerville Police officer queried the license plate of a vehicle bearing a California registration. The results of the query showed that the registration expired on August 28, 2019, and the plates belonged to a different vehicle.

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Somerville’s wild kingdom

On May 28, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Disclaimer: in no way does the following story endorse, recommend or approve of going near any railroad tracks. It is extremely dangerous.

We had a lot of fun growing up in Somerville during the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s etc. Sometimes we refer to that time as “the good old days.”

Sometimes we say, “back in the day.” We may even say, “way back when.” Lately, I find myself saying, “seems like yesterday.” All these phrases run through my mind when I write these stories of the Somerville I grew up in. “Remember when…” is a good one too.

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Moroccan Hospitality: Just the two of us

On May 27, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Moroccan Hospitality, owned by Amina McTursh and Nouzha Ghalley, hopes to return to serving its customers at the conclusion of the lockdown. — Photo courtesy of Moroccan Hospitality

By Alberto Gilman

In the midst of COVID-19, Moroccan Hospitality, located at 585 Somerville Ave., owned and managed by sisters Amina Ghallay Mctursh and Nouzha Ghallay, struggles to stay afloat during the statewide lockdown.

Across the state and country, local restaurants adapt to new regulations, lack revenue and customers, and prepare for what lies ahead for their businesses.

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City updated on COVID-19 assistance to senior residents

On May 27, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

An Officer’s Communication was submitted by the Director of the Council on Aging at the latest regular meeting of the Somerville City Council providing the Council with updates and ways to help seniors living in our community during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The report was ordered by the Council at its previous meeting.

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