On Sunday, June 14, the City of Somerville will recognize Flag Day as a day of remembrance and reflection to honor those lost to the COVID-19 virus and those who have been victims of systematic racism. The mayor and City Council ask that everyone take time on this day to personally acknowledge and reflect on the gravity of these events and to mourn the loss of life associated with them. Residents are encouraged to reclaim our nation’s flag as a symbol of hope, welcome, comfort, and progress during these trying times. A joint letter from Mayor Joe Curtatone and Councilor Will Mbah regarding the unanimously passed City Council resolution to declare this day of remembrance can be read here

Board of Health urges continued caution; coronavirus remains an active threat

After a review of Governor Charlie Baker’s Phase II reopening plan, the City of Somerville accepted the June 8 reopening date for all included sectors and activities such as outdoor dining, limited indoor shopping, and limited organized sports practices – with added city-required safety measures to some areas to better protect public health. The measures, which are designed to save lives amid the ongoing pandemic, will affect some reopening dates. Outdoor dining starting  June 10 at the earliest due to permitting and safety plan requirements, and a reopening date for playgrounds and splash pads will be announced in the coming days after safety and disinfection protocols are put in place. 

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Bridging the chasm between law enforcement and justice

On June 12, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

Part 1: How do we begin?

By William C.  Shelton

Ten years ago I wrote a column in which I argued that we are incapable of complete objectivity. The most honest things we can do are to be humble before all relevant evidence, and to disclose our underlying assumptions so that others can evaluate how they have influenced what we are saying.

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The Somerville School Committee and the Somerville Teachers Association (STA) Paraprofessionals Unit C reached a tentative agreement yesterday on a 3-year contract that reflects the city’s and district’s commitment to equity and the important role that Paraprofessionals play in our schools supporting and working with classroom teachers. The tentative agreement reached requires ratification by the Union membership and the School Committee. The final offer came after months of negotiation to reach a fiscally responsible and sustainable agreement acceptable to all parties.

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Rethinking Flag Day as we grieve for those lost

On June 11, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

An Open Letter from Mayor Joe Curtatone and Councilor Will Mbah on behalf of a unanimous resolution by the City Council                

It should go without saying that we’ve been through a lot in recent months. We are in the midst of a pandemic that has killed more than 100,000 people across our nation and robbed so many of friends and loved ones. We are also experiencing a nation rising up with appropriate fury at long-standing injustices after watching George Floyd killed beneath the knee of a Minneapolis police officer.

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Unarmed bank robbery in Union Square

On June 11, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

On Friday, May 29, two Somerville police officers on detail were approached by the Union Square Citizens Bank branch manager who stated that a woman had just passed a note to a teller and robbed the bank.

The manager pointed out a woman, later identified as Jodie Perkins, of Dorchester, as she crossed Union Sq. and started to walk up Webster Ave.

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On June 11, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

If you were on the TV show Boomtown you are part of an elite, and very lucky group.

I can still sing most of the Boomtown theme song. “Come along folks ’cause we’re gonna start the fun in Boom, Boom, Boomtown!”

The locally produced live western themed show starring Rex Trailer was on the air from 1956 to 1974. We watched every week on Boston’s WBZ channel 4. The Boomtown set, which was mostly painted scenery, was located in the WBZ studio on Soldiers Field Road in Brighton. Kids that appeared on the live show were surprised when they saw the cut out sections that made up the Boomtown set. It looked very different on TV. A vibrantly colored western style town was recreated right in Brighton.

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COVID-19 update for 6/10/20

On June 10, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Dear Community Members,

Here is a COVID-19 update for Wednesday, June 10.

Please also be sure to check somervillema.gov/covid19 for information and resources that are updated frequently.

Latest news:

  • Case Counts: As of 8:30 a.m., June 10, a total of 933 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19, 775 have since recovered, and sadly there have been 29 deaths. See more Somerville case data on the City’s COVID-19 Dashboard.

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The Shared Streets and Shared Curbs programs are being implemented in select locations throughout the city as a safety measure to help protect the public from COVID-19 exposure.
— Photos by Bobbie Toner

By Isabel Sami

The City of Somerville has started implementing a pilot for its mobility strategy in Union Square and East Somerville. Beginning June 1, East Somerville began testing Shared Streets, while on May 29 Union Square started piloting Shared Curbs, both with the goal to provide safe and open streets for residents as summer eases stay at home orders due to the pandemic. The expansion is projected to remain in place until November.

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City keeping it healthy and safe

On June 10, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

COVID-19 cases by state; CDC data as of June 7, 2020. (click to enlarge)

By Alberto Gilman

The Somerville Public Health and Public Safety Committee gathered together Monday night for their weekly virtual meeting.

Ward 6 Councilor Lance Davis called the meeting to order beginning with roll call. All eleven councilors were present.

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