New summer face covering guidelines and heat safety tips 

Pools, playgrounds, and splash pads will be opening in Somerville soon with new safety protocols in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The city is also putting summer face covering guidelines into effect. Effective immediately, face coverings are still required for people ages 2 and up at all times when in public both indoors and outdoors, with the exception that during the hot weather season masks may be removed temporarily when outdoors if a distance of at least six feet from others can be maintained. Medical and disability exceptions continue to apply. Finally, as part of the city’s Beat the Heat efforts, all are encouraged to review our heat safety tips and ideas for keeping cool.

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Updates on the city’s response during the COVID-19 crisis

On June 19, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Normally there is an editorial from Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone in this space, but this week the City is instead sharing important information and updates about COVID-19.

 Mobile COVID-19 Testing

The City of Somerville, Cataldo Ambulance, and Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) formally launch their mobile COVID-19 testing unit in Somerville, which will help to lower barriers to testing and offer equitable access. The mobile testing unit will accept patients by appointment at roaming locations, as well as hold designated testing days for residents of senior housing buildings. This testing is in addition to the Crown St. testing location at Somerville Hospital, where the City and Cambridge Health Alliance have offered free testing to Somerville residents since April. Individuals seeking tests at either the Somerville Hospital site or the mobile testing site do not need to be symptomatic and do not need insurance or a doctor’s referral. Immigration status will not be checked. The only requirement is that individuals must be Somerville residents and MUST CALL 617-665-2928 to set up an appointment. City of Somerville Health and Human Services Department staff will call residents of senior housing ahead of time to schedule on-site appointments.

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On or around June 22, City of Somerville contractors will establish a work zone at the Washington St./Somerville Ave. intersection to support the next phase of the Somerville Ave. Utility and Streetscape Improvements Project. The intersection is expected to remain closed for approximately four months. During that time, contractors will continue installing sections of the new stormwater box culvert drainage system, which will separate stormwater from the city’s sanitary sewer system and reduce historical surface flooding in and around Union Square.

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Our Somerville dads

On June 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

My dad’s favorite saying was, “You tell them your Daddy said…!” My dad was a fierce family man and went to great lengths to protect his kids. He turned into Superman when he once threatened to “tip a car over” during a minor confrontation. He stuck up for me against bullies and unfair teachers. He became a scoutmaster when my brother and I joined.

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The City Council affirmed its commitment to creating both administrative and public watchdog groups to aid in regulating police policies and conduct. — Photo by Kevin Carmichael

By Jim Clark

At the latest meeting of the Somerville City Council last week, a resolution was put forward and approved that would call upon the Council to create a police commission and a community police review agency.

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Proposed water rate increase: what it means for the city

On June 17, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Alberto Gilman

The Water and Sewer Information Session on Thursday, June 11, brought the public and the Water and Sewer Department together to discuss the fiscal 2021 water rate increases for the city of Somerville.

Director of Water and Sewer John DeLuca presented and proposed a 7.5% water rate increase and 2.5% sewer rate increase with no change to base charges or fees for the 2021 fiscal year, a combined rate adjustment of 4%.

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Newstalk – June 17

On June 17, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

On Sunday, June 14, the City of Somerville recognized Flag Day as a day of remembrance and reflection to honor those lost to the COVID-19 virus and those who have been victims of systematic racism. The mayor and City Council asked that everyone take time to personally acknowledge and reflect on the gravity of these events and to mourn the loss of life associated with them. Residents were encouraged to reclaim our nation’s flag as a symbol of hope, welcome, comfort, and progress during these trying times. A joint letter from Mayor Joseph Curtatone and City Councilor At-Large Will Mbah regarding the unanimously passed City Council resolution to declare this day of remembrance can be read at

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‘Masks of Boston’ at The Somerville Museum

On June 17, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone sporting his face mask for the “Masks of Boston” project. — Photo by Katherine Taylor

By Rachel Berets

Throughout the month of June, The Somerville Museum will present a virtual exhibit, Masks of Boston by Boston-based photographer Katherine Taylor. Taylor’s Masks of Boston project features portraits of Massachusetts residents, including Somerville Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, with masks on against a black background.

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Thirty-fourth Middlesex District State Rep. Christine Barber.

Representative Christine P. Barber (D-34th Middlesex) of Somerville and Medford, led an effort along with Hannah Kane (R-11th Worcester) and Jay Livingstone (D-8th Suffolk District) that resulted in the extension of children’s meal sites throughout Massachusetts for the entire summer. 

Rep. Barber partnered with Project Bread, an anti-hunger organization committed to providing all people with access to nutritious food, to organize her colleagues and request the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) extend the child nutrition program area eligibility waiver through the summer – allowing all meal sites for children to continue to operate after the school year.

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SHS Drive Up Graduation

On June 17, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

— Photos by Claudia Ferro

Somerville High School students had an opportunity to individually walk across the stage and pick up their diploma in a series of three hour events – two each day – scheduled by House in a series of “drive-up” graduation events at the Dilboy Stadium parking lot over the course of two days.

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