Bridging the chasm between law enforcement and justice

On June 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

Part 2: It’s systemic

By William C. Shelton

Racist policing is a symptom, but it’s not the disease, not in Milwaukee, not in Nashville, not in Somerville. Racist systems are the disease, and without curing the disease, we are doomed to play whack a mole with the symptoms.

Somerville School Committee Representative Andre Green said that at a vigil this month, and I want to tell you why I think he’s right. The development of U.S. policing over the last two and a half centuries is inextricably linked to the management of economic and racial inequality. This has become increasingly so over the last forty years as government has largely abandoned its role in reducing inequality.

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Somerville Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee meets

On June 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Map showing current Somerville Shared Streets locations. (click to enlarge)

By Rachel Berets

On Thursday, June 18, the Somerville Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee (PTAC) met virtually to discuss the Somerville Shared Streets initiative and ongoing construction, including the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority’s Green Line Extension Project.

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Newstalk – June 24

On June 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Welcome to summer, Somerville! We’ve been cooped up for several months now, so we’re raring to get out there and enjoy some fresh air and warm sunshine. Just remember to keep practicing safe distancing and face mask usage. Protect yourself and others now, just as you have been throughout the pre-summer months.

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Thirty-fourth Middlesex District State Rep. Christine Barber.

Taxing ‘GILTI’ would bring in needed revenue for local programs

Representative Christine P. Barber (D-34th Middlesex) of Somerville and Medford recently filed HD5132, An Act to close corporate loopholes and create progressive revenue to fill gaps in the state budget and fund needed programs such as education and public services. 

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The Somerville Times Historical Fact of the Week – June 24

On June 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Eagle Feathers #207 – The Summer Solstice

By Bob (Monty) Doherty

In the Northern hemisphere, June is the month that contains the longest day of the year. It has the most hours of daylight and the least of darkness. This year, June’s summer solstice day fell coincidently on 20, 2020. The 21st was Father’s Day and the traditional beginning of summer. It’s a popular time for weddings, deriving its name from Juno, the Roman goddess of love marriage.

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Our View of the Times – June 24

On June 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Despite some of the most oppressive heat and humidity that the season can bring, most of us love the good times that summer can bring.

Vacations, picnics, cookouts, swimming, sunbathing – or just plain old lazing around on a sunny, balmy day – there is so much revitalizing activity that can be enjoyed at this time.

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Backyard Prom 2020

On June 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

— Photos by Claudia Ferro

Because of concerns over the coronavirus and the need for everyone to social distance, there were no proms allowed this year for the Class of 2020. So, Peter Lancaster’s family held a prom that would have taken place for the Full Circle students in his own backyard last Saturday night.  The dinner served was pizza, chicken, broccoli and ziti and pastry.

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If you look closely at even the most banal of pictures, you will find a plethora of clues about the people in them. You should look at the body language, the appointment of the subjects, look into their eyes, note the topography of their faces. In these troubled times, East Somerville Main Streets has an innovative project that catches people on their porches – giving us a big picture of our neighbors and friends – in some ways a break from the isolation we are experiencing.

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Lyrical Somerville – June 24

On June 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Tom Miller is a well-published poet and a member of Somerville’s Bagel Bards.

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Get involved with racial and social justice efforts

On June 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Dear Residents,

Here is an update on this year’s budget process including how to participate in the Budget Public Hearing on Wednesday, as well as ways to get engaged in Racial and Social Justice efforts.

You’ll also find a link to an important discussion with Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, D.A. Rachael Rollins, and other regional leaders about Systemic Racism, where do we go from here, and how can everyone be an ally. It’s well worth watching.

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