Somerville Media Center, Just Us Somerville, Somerville Stands Together, & Our Revolution Somerville present 34 Middlesex State Rep. District: with Christine Barber / Anna Callahan


The City of Somerville was named a 2019 Tree City USA award winner for the 25th time by the Arbor Day Foundation in recognition of the city’s commitment to urban forest management. The city also received its fifth Tree City USA Growth Award for showing environmental improvement and a higher level of tree care.

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As part of a continuing conversation on systemic racism in Somerville, the City of Somerville is holding a virtual Town Hall Discussion on Race and Equity in Policing and launching a series of small group listening sessions for residents. Tackling systemic racism in Somerville requires input from diverse voices in our community, and both the Town Hall and listening sessions are meant to be ways for the city to get feedback, ideas, and suggestions from the community on how we move forward as well as to answer related questions.

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City of Somerville hosts panel on structural racism

On June 26, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Regional and community leaders spoke during a panel on structural racism on June 23. ~ Photo courtesy of the City of Somerville

By Shira Laucharoen                       

The City of Somerville hosted a panel discussion on structural racism on June 23, addressing the question of “where do we go from here, and how can everyone be an ally?” Speakers at the talk included congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, D.A. Rachael Rollins, and Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone.

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Updates on the city’s response during the COVID-19 crisis

On June 26, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Normally there is an editorial from Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone in this space, but this week the city is instead sharing important information and updates about COVID-19.

Relaxed summer face covering rules

This summer the city’s face covering order is being relaxed to allow for the removal of face coverings in outdoor public space when social distancing can be maintained. The city’s summer face coverings order still requires face coverings in all public indoor spaces (including stores, restaurants when not eating, and common areas in multi-unit buildings) and all outdoor public spaces (including during physical activities). If you are planning to take your mask off outside, make sure to still carry it with you, and immediately put it on if other people are approaching. When others are approaching at about 30 foot distance, which is about the length of a bus, start putting your mask back on to ensure everyone has time to get their faces covered before crossing paths. Also remember to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth when putting on or removing a mask.

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Outstanding students win Somerville Math Fund scholarships

On June 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Somerville Math Fund was pleased to be able to award four year renewable scholarships to these outstanding math and science students. They are Back: Christiana Brand, Luca Duclos-Orsello, Harmanpreet Kaur, and Timothy Labounko. Front: Ziye OuYang, Owen Sheehy, Harmeet Singh and Jaskaran

The Somerville Mathematics Fund is pleased to announce the winners of their renewable mathematics scholarships for 2020. The Math Fund was founded to celebrate and encourage math achievement and these students deserve to be celebrated for their work in math and science while in high school. Thanks to the generosity of many individuals and a few organizations, this year we were able to award a record eight scholarships, totaling $48,000 over four years.

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This summer is predicted to be hotter than normal and COVID-19 is making it more important than ever to be able to safely cool down at home. Extreme heat can cause dangerous illness and in some cases death. However, due to COVID-19 social distancing needs, a number of usual group cooling options, like cooling centers, will not be available this summer.

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Eligibility determination forms due July 17 at 4:30 p.m.

Applications for this coming fiscal year’s Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds and the fiscal year 2021 Community Preservation Plan, which sets the funding allocations and priorities for the year, are now available. An estimated $630,000 is available for projects that preserve Somerville’s historic resources and/or expand and improve our parks and recreation land.

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House calls

On June 25, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

When I was a kid our family Doctor made house calls. Just in that sentence alone there are two things that are now obsolete, “family Doctor ” and “house calls.” I did an entire story on our former family doctor, Harry Goldenberg. He would show up at our house at all hours of the day or night. He used to give my parents free samples of medicines and vitamins. I recall vividly seeing Dr. Goldenberg walk up our stairs carrying his black bag. I also used to show up at his office near Powder House Park when I felt too sick to go to school.

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Mayor Joseph Curtatone offered a presentation to the Somerville City Council outlining his recommendations for the FY21 city budget.

By Alberto Gilman

Somerville City Council President Matthew McLaughlin called a Special Meeting of the Council for consideration of the Fiscal Year 2021 municipal budget and all related financial matters on Friday, June 19.

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