What’s new at Somerville Media Center

On July 18, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Hyperlocal Media Now More than Ever

SMC’s ongoing efforts to meet the needs of the community at this trying time includes providing regular hyperlocal news coverage and collaborating with organizations to best meet their media needs. In addition to regular updates with State Delegation, City Council, Local Businesses and the School Committee, we’ve also provided full coverage of three local Black Lives Matter rallies and co-produced candidate forums ahead of the September primary election. Watch and be inspired to reach out to us and help us to keep Somerville informed, safe and engaged. Here are some their newest videos:

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Citing concerns over metro region case numbers, state contact tracing weaknesses, and risk of new surge, Somerville postpones Phase 3 by at least another two weeks 

Somerville’s planned Phase 3 Step 1 business reopening is now on hold until at least Monday, August 3, as local officials grow increasingly concerned about potential impacts amid rising new case averages in the metro area and growing concerns about the efficacy of the state’s contact tracing program. Prior state guidelines limiting indoor and outdoor gatherings to no more than 10 persons will also remain in effect until at least August 3 as well. In collaboration with area businesses, the city has developed provisional enhanced safety requirements and guidelines for Phase 3 businesses, but their reopening will be put on hold.  

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69 Berkeley St. , Somerville

By Marian Berkowitz

Spring weather has finally arrived, so once again I can begin contacting the owners who won a 2020 award from the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission for their efforts in preserving the exterior of some of Somerville’s older buildings.

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Bicycle thief picks the wrong marketplace

On July 16, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

A Somerville Police officer who was assigned to investigate the theft of a bicycle conducted an interview with the victim, at which time he was told that bicycle was locked at the bike rack in the courtyard of his apartment complex.

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Apollo Cake

On July 16, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Originally published on November 19, 2011

Remember how we used to roll our eyes when our parents told us how they could see five movies, buy candy, soda and popcorn, ride the trolleys all day and still come home with change of a quarter? Well, let’s congratulate ourselves because we have officially become our parents.

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The ArtBeat of the city

On July 15, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

~Photos by Bobbie Toner and Doug Holder

The ArtBeat festival, presented by Somerville Arts Council, is normally scheduled as a one-day event that attracts some 10,000 people, runs this year from Friday, July 10 to Saturday, July 18 and features a mix of virtual performances and real life installations around Somerville.

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City still talking budget cuts

On July 15, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Further cuts to the Somerville Police Department’s budgetary allocation for Fiscal Year 2021 were among the items discussed by the city’s Legislative Matters Committee at their latest meeting last week.

By Alberto Gilman

The Somerville City Council’s Finance Committee met virtually on Thursday, July 9 to continue discussions over the proposed budget for FY21.

This was a Committee of the Whole meeting with all 11 councilors present. After Finance Committee Chair and Ward 2 Councilor J.T. Scott called the roll he recognized Ward 5 Councilor Mark Niedergang, who again wanted to address some of the line items from the police budget.

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Somerville Bike Safety is working with the city, members of the community and other cycling advocacy groups to help improve cycling safety in and throughout Somerville.

By Elizabeth Long

“All ages, all abilities, and all neighborhoods” is the motto of Somerville Bike Safety  or SBS. With so many people active in many new ways as a result of Covid-19, being safe is the number one concern.

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Newstalk – July 15

On July 15, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The city is continuing its reopening plan with Phase 3 kicking in next Monday – if all goes well. Remember to get out there and support our local businesses as they open their doors for the first time in months. Let them know you care about keeping them going and how much you appreciate what the contribute to our community. Of course, stay safe by wearing your masks whenever appropriate and keep practicing that social distancing. We can make this work if we all work together!

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Q&A with ONCE Somerville owner JJ Gonson

On July 15, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

JJ Gonson spoke before the ONCE Virtual Venue “ArtBeat Takeover: Kick-Off Dance Party.”

By Rachel Berets

Last Friday night, music venue ONCE Somerville hosted a dance party. There were spinning records, good tunes, and flashing lights, but no crowded dance floor because ONCE has taken things virtual.

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