Earlier this year, students from the Somerville High School Local History Club, with guidance from their teacher Adda Maria Santos and the Somerville Museum, curated an exhibition, The Basement Project: Not Your Usual Basement Junk. Through objects from the museum’s collection, each student thoughtfully reflected on Somerville’s past and their experience as a Somerville resident today. Unfortunately, the show was cut short by the pandemic.

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Somerville Police Crime Log August 17 – August 23

On August 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


 Jason Ventolieri, of Boston, August 18, 8:24 p.m., arrested at Broadway on a warrant charge of larceny over $1200.

Marco Ellison, of Cambridge, August 19, 7:33 p.m., arrested at McGrath Hwy. on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon.


Fire on Munroe St. in Somerville

On August 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

At approximately  5:15 p.m. Sunday night a two alarm broke out on Munroe St. Firefighters  worked extensively to put it out during the storm with high humidity and temperatures. According to reports,  lighting  struck the house. Cambridge and Boston fire assisted. As of this time there are no reports of injuries. The occupants of the home were displaced.

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‘Vote in the Ville’ ballot boxes

On August 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Ballot boxes have been popping up around the city. If you opt to vote by mail this election season, you have the option to mail your ballot to City Hall or hand-deliver it to one of these boxes, which say “Vote in the Ville.” The  Elections Department is currently in the process of setting up more ballot boxes. The list of current locations is available at somervillema.gov/votebymail.


Prepping for a successful school year

On August 22, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Whether heading back to the classroom or back to a digital device this fall, it is important to be prepared. Get your children set up for academic success with the following resources and gear:

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Bow Market adjusts to COVID standards

On August 21, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Bow Market has taken steps to make its spaces social distancing friendly, while striving to maintain its normally cozy atmosphere. — Photo courtesy of Bow Market

By Rachel Berets

Last August, Bow Market in Union Square buzzed with activity. They hosted a week-long “Melty Fest,” celebrating dairy in all forms and organized “CommUNITY,” an afternoon of art, music, and sidewalk chalk to support a local charity.

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Stay Cool, Somerville: Show us how you beat the heat 

On August 20, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The City of Somerville, in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), is seeking submissions of original photography and artwork for the Keep Cool Somerville photovoice project and survey. 

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Boys playing with dangerous toys

On August 20, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Somerville Police officers were dispatched to a Woods Ave. residence last Thursday to conduct a well-being check on all the occupants after receiving reports of a possible shooting.

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No mask, no service

On August 20, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Life in the Ville has sure changed since March. Excuse me for straying from my usual format of discussing a light hearted topic from Somerville’s past. But, as a citizen of Somerville, I need to discuss our present and our future. I live here and every day I see how individuals are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Be a Sharp Voter from Joe Lynch

On August 19, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)


We are in unusual times, this is certain, but that may be the only certainty we have before us.

Many of us are frightened for our health, stunned at the squandering of our wealth, and worried about the very structures that support Democracy.

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