Winter Hill Urban Renewal Plan clears first hurdle

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The State of Massachusetts empowered the SRA to characterize the “project area” as a “decadent area” and to prepare an Urban Renewal Plan for its redevelopment. The current parcels will be acquired, either by private sale or eminent domain. — Photo courtesy of Google

By Denise Keniston

The Winter Hill Urban Renewal Plan, which includes the vacant 31,000 sq. ft. Star Market, has been approved by the Somerville Redevelopment Authority (SRA). Since closing in 2007, Star Market’s two-acre lot, located at 275 Broadway, has been a “blight” on the neighborhood and fallen into a “decadent” state.

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Challenging times and legal gridlock at The Jungle

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The operators of The Jungle Community Music Club have taken their act outdoors as a restaurant, but eagerly await approval to offer live entertainment as well.

By Rachel Berets

In June, the City of Somerville worked quickly to get restaurants up and running outdoors. They streamlined licensing processes, waived fees, and repurposed public space to help restaurants weather the COVID-19 crisis.

So naturally, Sam Epstein, the owner of The Jungle Community Music Club, a restaurant and independent music venue in Somerville, expected the city to do their best for performance halls as well.

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Davis in distress

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

By Jack Connolly

Whether you’re new to Davis Square or a lifetime long-timer, it is obvious something is not right. On-street parking on Elm St. gone, restaurant tables and chairs in the street, Dunkin’ Donuts closed, empty storefronts on Elm St., the Somerville Theatre closed, most due to the scourge of the COVID-19 virus.

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Newstalk – September 23

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Urban Axes and Brooklyn Boulders are now open in a limited capacity. We wish them luck and encourage all who have enjoyed them in the past, as well as newcomers, to take part in their reopening and let them know you are standing behind them. They can use the businesses and you could use the fun diversions they are offering after this long period of relative inactivity most of us have undergone.

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City plans for school reopenings

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Emmanuel Vincent 

On Monday of this week a virtual town hall meeting was held concerning the reopening of public schools in the city. Several presenters and advisors participated. There was also a panel for a Q&A segment, where parents were able to voice their concerns and receive clarification.

During this process of easing into the reopening up schools, the City of Somerville has put an emphasis on keeping students’ and teachers’ best interests in mind from a health and safety standpoint. This has been the approach since the early stages of the pandemic.

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Our View of the Times – September 23

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Most change leads to a new beginning. That’s what they say anyway. It’s been a tough, arduous grind through 2020, and here we are with autumn on our doorstep, bringing with it who knows what?

We’ve slogged our way through the pandemic with its isolation and deprivation, an incomparably divisive political climate, and who knows whether or not the worst is yet to come?

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Chicken Pot Pie

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

One of my favorite make ahead meals is chicken pot pie. Although this isn’t technically a “pot pie,” it does comprise of the same ingredients except for the flaky pie crust. I really consider this dish a deconstructed pot pie. Once the filling made, I top it with a pre baked square of puff pastry. By serving it this way it allows for the filling to be gently reheated on the stovetop if you plan on serving it later on that day or even the next. Another benefit is putting the filling in a decorative dish of your choice for individual servings or into a casserole dish with the pre baked puff pastry placed on top.

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Eric Lemus awarded Bonney Family Scholarship

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

2020 Bonney Family Scholarship recipient Eric Lemus.

The Bonney Family is proud to announce that Eric Lemus is the 2020 recipient of the Bonney Family Scholarship in memory of Brandy Bonney. Eric graduated from Somerville High School with a 3.33 cumulative GPA. Here is what his College and Career Counselor, Melanie Banks, had to say about him:

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From the mosh pit of punk rock: To Somerville City Councilor

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


I met Kristen Strezo at The Somerville Times Annual Dinner some years back. At our table were columnists Jimmy Del Ponte, and Bill Shelton. Among these folks with the gift of gab, Strezo impressed me as an articulate and dynamic presence. So a couple of years later we finally got a chance to talk, not in person but virtually.

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Lyrical Somerville – September 23

On September 23, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Debbie Wiess is a Boston-based writer, who writes in French and English. She has created a wide variety of projects for stage and screen, poetry and short stories, in both languages. Her work has been presented throughout the US and abroad, in traditional theaters and alternative venues (including in a moving trolley during the Somerville Open Studios several years ago), as well as on cable, radio and the internet. Many of her poems have been published. She is a proud member of the Bagel Bards and has had work included in its Anthology since joining the group in 2012.

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