The Somerville Times Historical Fact of the Week – September 30

On September 30, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Eagle Feathers #214 – The Conway Complex

By Bob (Monty) Doherty

Conway Park celebrates the memory of Somerville’s United States Army hero, Sergeant Patrick Conway, who was killed in action during World War I. Patrick was an immigrant, born in County Galway, Ireland, and is buried in the American Cemetery at Lorraine, France.

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Our View of the Times – September 30

On September 30, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Knowing what to do – if anything – about occupation of public spaces by the homeless is a complex issue.

Most of us feel compassion for these people, but few can offer viable solutions to both their needs and the public interest in keeping these spaces safe and uncluttered.

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‘Sprawled Asleep’ by David P. Miller

On September 30, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Review by Off the Shelf Correspondent Dennis Daly

Too often contemporary poetry dwells on the versifier rather than the verse. The confessional reigns and the uniqueness and self-importance of the poet drives both the narrative and the music. In the worst and most extreme examples of this navel-gazing art the poet and his readers develop an unhealthy bond of elitism, which separates them from any objective world view and renounces the joy of detail shared by soulful creation.

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Lyrical Somerville – September 30

On September 30, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Cynthia Duda lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina where she enjoys tennis, gardening, and the company of her wire-fox terrier. She teaches writing on the collegiate level. Her work has appeared in Ibbeston Street, The Comstock Review, Hanging Loose, and The Atlanta Review among others.

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Representative Mike Connolly of Somerville and Cambridge spoke at today’s virtual press conference

Nearly 30 organizations and over 200 physicians, state legislators, community and public health leaders have signed a letter urging Governor Baker to act to concretely curb the spread of COVID-19 by implementing stringent workplace protections, provide actionable contact tracing reports, and enact legislation to help Massachusetts residents comply with public health directives. The group issued the letter publicly at a virtual press conference on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 11 A.M. 

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FBI Boston Division issues public guidance on 2020 election security

On September 29, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Everyone has a role to play to combat foreign influence and protect our elections

The Boston Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is providing the public with information to guard against foreign influence and disinformation campaigns in advance of the 2020 election.

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Somerville Police Crime Log September 21 – September 27

On September 29, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Adam Ackerley, September 21, 10:34 p.m., arrested at Assembly Row on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon.

Lennox Pierre-Louis, of Brighton, September 23, 9:16 p.m., arrested at MacArthur St. on charges of receiving a stolen motor vehicle and resisting arrest.

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Important deadlines and dates for the November 3 general election

On September 28, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Whether you plan to vote by mail, in person during early voting, or in person on Election Day, there are several upcoming deadlines and important dates you should be aware of for the Tuesday, November 3, general election.

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Simple Steps can help reduce fall risk for older adults

On September 27, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Jeffrey Clement and Rachel Lynch are among the 14 Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services staffers walking to raise awareness about falls prevention this September.

By Nathan Lamb

Falls are the leading cause of injuries for older adults. One in four older adults fall each year – leading to 2.8 million emergency room visits annually.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps that can help reduce fall risk for older adults:

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Community meeting: Washington St. bus and bike lane pilot

On September 26, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Virtual meeting to discuss plans to add quick-build bus and bike lanes on Washington Street, October 7

Somerville Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Ward 2 City Councilor J.T. Scott, and city staff invite you to a virtual community meeting to discuss a pilot project that would install quick-build bus and bike lanes this fall on Washington Street between Beacon Street and Union Square.

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