Speedway run disappoints suspected dealer

On October 22, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Members of the Somerville Police Department Criminal Investigations Division as part of an ongoing investigation conducted surveillance last week at a Perkins St. location, in order to locate David Robinson, place him under arrest and execute the search warrant.

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What do you miss most?

On October 22, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

I’m using this week’s space to share my fellow Somerville friend’s feelings about this pandemic until we get the all safe signal. What do Somerville people miss the most during these trying times? All the following comments are by Somerville folks and are in quotations.

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By Anqi Zhang

Just returning from her bike tour dealing with a dispute over a historic house in Spring Hill, Somerville, with a large 18-foot, 12-panel, stained glass window, Brandon Wilson was short of breath while speaking on the phone with The Somerville Times.

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This year’s Candlelight Vigil to commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month can be viewed online.
— Photo by Bobbie Toner

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, the Somerville Commission for Women, and RESPOND Inc. invite you to view a recorded version of the annual domestic violence vigil to commemorate individuals who have lost their lives due to domestic violence over the past year. The vigil is held each October in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Given the pandemic, the in-person gathering was moved online this year, but we continue to hold space for those who have been lost, honor the real people behind the statistics, and reflect on how interpersonal violence still pervades every corner of our community. 

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Gilman Square neighborhood plans discussed

On October 21, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

City of Somerville Streetscape Presentation [click to enlarge]

By Rebecca Bakken

The City of Somerville presented new plans for the Gilman Square neighborhood at a meeting on October 7 and is now seeking public input as it moves forward finalizing designs.

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Union Square’s Nu Kitchen has found a recipe for success

On October 21, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Nu Kitchen is located 195 Washington Street, Somerville, MA and serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Indoor seating is available with COVID-19 restrictions. — Photos by Riann Keniston-Hale

By Denise Keniston and
Riann Keniston-Hale

Any casual restaurant worth its salt has a proper neon sign and Union Square’s Nu Kitchen (nu translates to naked in French) has a sign that really takes the cake. Their “EAT CLEAN, drink naked” neon is a nod to its French name and a call-out to customers to dig into Nu’s fresh, healthy menu.

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Somerville to begin charter review process 

On October 21, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Mayor and Council President announce joint public process to update city’s governance structures to meet modern needs

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and City Council President Matt McLaughlin announced today their intention to undertake a comprehensive review of the city’s charter, committing to working together to complete this effort as expeditiously as possible. The charter is the city’s constitution and determines how the city is structured and run. It establishes the responsibilities of the Mayor, City Council, School Committee, and other decision-making bodies and informs governance in Somerville.

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The Jungle shuts down for winter

On October 21, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Isabel Sami

The Jungle in Union Square closed for the winter this week as temperatures begin to drop. The music club and restaurant has been operating since June by serving guests on an outdoor patio set up in the parking lot, a change that many restaurants in Boston and Somerville have also made.

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Newstalk – October 21

On October 21, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Early Voting for the 2020 State (Presidential) Election began on October 17 at Somerville City Hall. Please be advised that early voting will be available exclusively at Somerville City Hall. Visit https://www.somervillema.gov/events/2020/10/17/early-voting-2020-state-presidential-election for a complete list of dates and times. If you are not registered to vote, or if you need to update your address or party affiliation, you have until Saturday, October 24 to do so. Visit the city’s Register to Vote page: https://www.somervillema.gov/departments/elections/register-to-vote to learn more about your options for registering.

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Our View of the Times – October 21

On October 21, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

For some of us it feels like forever since we’ve shaken off the cares and concerns that seem to be bearing down so heavily as we deal with the divisions and discord that has been so prevalent over the past year or so. Not to mention a spirit and economy-breaking pandemic.

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