— Photo © Aleksandr Zhurilo / iStock via Getty Images Plus

Want a snafu-free season of home heating? Better installation and quality service mean a longer life for your heating and cooling equipment, as well as increased energy efficiency and reduced energy bills. Not only that, regular service checks may actually detect problems before you notice them, and catching them in time may extend your unit’s life.

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New State Covid-19 restrictions

On November 6, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

It’s been a tough year, and needing new Covid-19 rules may not be how we all hoped to spend fall. But winter is coming, the virus spreads better indoors, and Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are on the rise across the Commonwealth. We feel fortunate to be in a community where the vast majority have done all they can to help slow the spread. This week the governor announced new measures to help flatten the curve of the new Covid-19 surge. Please read them below and follow them. We flattened the first curve, Somerville, and we ask everyone to help do this again.

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Murph the Surf

On November 5, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Originally published July 24, 2004.

No one’s name was safe from the teasing kids unleashed on each other back in the day. Almost everyone’s first or last name became a source of adolescent taunting. Even though it was meant as harmless teasing in my youth, name calling is a form of bullying and is simply not tolerated in our society. These stories are at least 30 years old which doesn’t excuse it, but thankfully we have grown!

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A plan for stable education

On November 4, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Max Eidelman

Last Thursday, a virtual town hall meeting was convened to address the plan for reopening Somerville’s schools. Mayor Curtatone and several others discussed the progress of the plan by focusing on its components one at a time, ending with a Q&A session.

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Somerville Winter Farmers Market to open with online pre-orders

On November 4, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Somerville Winter Farmers Market is establishing alternative methods for keeping itself operating through the 2020-2021 season.

By Anqi Zhang

Entering its 11th year, the popular Somerville Winter Farmers Market (SWFM) at the Center for Arts at the Armory will be welcoming the community this winter from December 5, 2020, to April 10, 2021, with no market on December 26, 2020. The market is set to conduct online pre-orders along with a traditional live-shopping component while navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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By Emmanuel Vincent

On Monday October 26, the City of Somerville Public Health and Public Safety Meeting was held. Running for nearly two hours in duration, it was a virtual event, abiding by Governor Baker’s emergency orders as it pertaining to the Open Meeting Law.

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Newstalk – November 4

On November 4, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Ignite Festival will not be extinguished. Instead of a festival per se, this year Ignite will be more like a festive and delicious night out. On November 7, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. this en plein air gastronomic gala will take place at restaurants throughout Union Square, from the Plaza to Bow Market and beyond. Each eatery will feature special fiery dishes and libations to warm you up and delight your tastebuds. Diners are encouraged to dress up in festive and toasty attire. so come as an arctic explorer, Sasquatch, or don your giraffe onesie. Ignite is a chance to taste something new, be festive, and support Union Square restaurants. Oh yeah, it’s B.Y.O.B. (bring your own blanket). Get updates on restaurant specials and sneak peaks of the art on the event Facebook page: https://fb.me/e/1MHjcyv4s.

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In COVID-19 era, Green Team goes virtual

On November 4, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
Most summers, Green Team members can be spotted planting produce at South Street Farm, working a shift at the Somerville Mobile Farmers’ Market, or biking through one of the city’s neighborhoods. Though this year the Green Team was most visible on Facebook and Zoom, the cohort found creative ways to carry out their mission of creating a greener and more equitable Somerville.

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Our View of the Times – November 4

On November 4, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Presidential Election has come and gone, and those who fought long and hard – candidates and their supporters alike – are to be congratulated for once again participating our democratic process in these difficult times. Alternatives were presented and the voters made their choices. That’s what it’s all about.

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Somerville Photographer Emily Falcigno

On November 4, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Takes inspiration from the neighborhood, people’s essence, and even the sexist remarks of Trumpism

Emily Falcigno is a photographer who is about making a strong statement – she boils people and things down to their essence. She is not after the sizzle but the steak. I was glad to catch up with her.

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