Somerville educators demand clear thresholds for in-person return

On January 10, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

SEU members speaking at a community event in 2019.

We are ten months into the Covid crisis and we have a long road ahead of us before we can return to normalcy. In the current context, each of us as individuals is constantly assessing risk and making choices based on how much risk we can tolerate. Although we all long for safety, the reality is that there are no definitive answers, only varying levels of risk. The educators of Somerville have the right to determine how much risk we deem acceptable as we consider returning to in-person instruction. The Somerville Educators Union (SEU) has been clear: negotiating objective benchmarks of Covid prevalence in the community is the avenue through which we will set the appropriate level of risk. Once those are established we can continue to collaboratively develop an in-person learning model.

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From Somerville Pubic Schools

We have a lot of wonderful volunteers at Somerville Public Schools, but we want to acknowledge two long-term Somerville Family Learning Collaborative (SFLC) volunteers who have been key to supporting Somerville students and children in need. Maren Chiu and Marcie Campbell are crucial to the coordination of the SFLC Winter Clothing Drive for the SFLC, the Family Engagement Department of the Somerville Public Schools.

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Somerville Media Center offers a set of Free Digital Literacy Workshops aimed at expand digital inclusion with expert guidance on savvy smartphone use, better internet research, media production skills, graphic design, building a user friendly website, becoming a community journalist, deepening media literacy and critical consumption.

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Somerville’s COVID-19 update

On January 9, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Here is the COVID-19 update as of  Friday, January 8. Please also check for information and resources that are updated frequently.

Latest news:

  • Case Counts: As of January 7, a total of 3,474 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19 since March, another 222 are considered probable positive cases (some current, some in the past), and sadly there have been 53 deaths. See more Somerville case data at

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Somerville’s new Allen Street Playground now open

On January 8, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Renovated community gardens available this spring 

A new playground is now open for some of Somerville’s youngest residents near Union Square. The Allen Street Garden and Pocket Park, which officially opened last month with a COVID-compliant ribbon-cutting ceremony, now features imaginative and engaging play structures for kids aged 2 through 5, as well as renovated community garden facilities. 

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How your family can adopt healthier digital habits in 2021

On January 8, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

— Photo © nd3000 / iStock via Getty Images Plus

As we head into 2021, adults and kids alike may still be enjoying the excitement of digital devices received as gifts over the holidays. However, the new year is always a great time for a reset, so alongside those new devices, consider adopting some new digital habits.

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‘Chill and smoke’ date not so chill

On January 7, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Somerville Police officers were dispatched to La Quinta Inn & Suites last Sunday on reports of a robbery.

Upon arrival, officers met with the victim in the lobby, who stated that he was “set up.” The officers reported seeing swelling around his mouth, and his front teeth appeared broken.

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With high numbers of new COVID-19 cases, Somerville will remain in a modified Phase 2, Step 2 of business reopenings until further notice. Somerville rolled back to this earlier phase of reopening on December 17.

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No resolutions

On January 7, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

In 2020 we gave up so many things unwillingly that I’m not sure anybody made a real New Year’s resolution for 2021. We were forced into giving things up whether we wanted to or not. Mostly, our freedom.

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The City of Somerville is seeking community members to serve on a Charter Review Committee and the deadline to apply has been extended to January 19. 

The Charter Review Committee will be responsible for reviewing the city’s current charter and making recommendations for amendments to the Mayor and the City Council in an effort to improve and modernize the city’s structure and governance. The Committee will also engage the community in robust discussions about potential charter amendments. Members should be analytical, open-minded, and forward-thinking as they engage in solution-oriented discussions about the future of city governance.

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