Somerville’s 100 Homes program is now accepting applications to be added to its affordable housing waitlist. Eligible applicants include people facing displacement, Section 8 voucher holders, and households earning between 80% and 100% of the area median income. 

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Voices from Somerville’s Greek Community

On January 22, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
Come and hear about connections between Somerville and Greece, with stories about the city’s meat-packing plants in the early 1900’s, the first Greek-American World War I Medal of Honor recipient, and the creation of a local Greek Orthodox congregation, as well as observations from an artist from Greece who documents the city today. Panelists include the granddaughter of a Greek diner owner, a former Director of the city’s Council on Aging and an award-winning artist whose work explores both Somerville and Greece. Following the panel, listen to a historian from Somerville discuss connections between Greek and U.S. history.

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Pan damn it

On January 21, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Of course, the most serious and poignant effects of the pandemic are the souls lost to the faceless killer among us. Staying healthy is the at the top of all of our priorities. I really can’t fathom the idea that some people may still think the whole thing is a farce created with a political agenda.

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Somerville’s COVID-19 and vaccine update – Jan 20

On January 20, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Here is the COVID-19 update for Wednesday, January 20. Please also check for information and resources that are updated frequently.

Latest news:

  • Somerville Covid-19 Case Counts: As of January 19, a total of 3,957 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19 since March, another 252 are considered probable positive cases (some current, some in the past), and sadly there have been 55 deaths. See more Somerville case data at

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Save Our Stages Act to the rescue of local entertainment venues

On January 20, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Venues such as The Jungle struggling to cope with the Covid-19 temporary shutdowns are looking to the Save Our Stages Act to help them get through until reopening is possible. — Photo courtesy of The Jungle

By Max Eidelman

Congress has recently passed the Save Our Stages Act as part of the Covid-19 Relief Bill. This has been designed to provide funds that can support independent venues through the persistent havoc that the pandemic has wrought on the realm of public performance.

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Peter DeMarco and Laura Beth Levis. — Photo courtesy of Peter DeMarco

By Hongyu Liu

As the first speaker, Peter DeMarco stepped up to the rostrum to speak at the State House for a bill signing ceremony on January 15. “It took us nearly two years to get here. I wasn’t sure if we could even reach this stage. But in the end, Laura’s law passed unanimously,” DeMarco said in his speech.

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Denise Provost leaves State House after 15 years

On January 20, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

After 15 years of dedicated service, former State Representative Denise Provost is moving on.

By Jessica Sisavath

Denise Provost, State Representative for 27th Middlesex district for 15 years, has sworn in her new successor, Erika Uyterhoven as of Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

Provost explains it has been a unique transition mid-pandemic for the new legislators. “It limits their opportunities for bonding and for some of the kinds of learning that go on in the State House that aren’t easily replicated.” Provost believes new legislators will find new ways learn and sees this as a short-term impact.

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Newstalk – January 20

On January 20, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The City of Somerville’s Prevention Services Division, in partnership with Cambridge Health Alliance, will host a virtual photovoice exhibition facilitated by Somerville youth to raise awareness about underage problem gambling. Photovoice is a method of exploring social issues that empowers individuals to tell a story through photography. The event will be held on Thursday, January 28, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. Visit at that time for a link to attend.

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Gardeners, take your mark…

On January 20, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Now is a great time to plan for your spring/summer garden. Last year we switched it up a bit and went heavy on the tomatoes and zucchini.

We figured out over the past couple of years the best place to set up an area in our yard allowing for the tomatoes to thrive.

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Our View of the Times – January 20

On January 20, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of grief and distress to the world. From the inconvenience of wearing face coverings and practicing social distancing, to closures of businesses, schools, and places of public gatherings. And of course, there’s the sickness and death that the virus has wrought.

And it’s no different here in Somerville. Most of us have learned to properly follow the mandated guidelines, we grudgingly do without our favorite eateries and nightspots, and – yes – we do the best we can to give our children the best educational opportunities that the situation can allow.

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