Newstalk – April 28

On April 28, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

It has been announced that the City of Somerville will move into a modified Phase 4, Step 1 of the state’s reopening plan starting on Friday, May 7. This means that indoor capacity for several businesses will be increased significantly, something that the local economy desperately needs. For specific details and general guidelines, go to

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Poplar Street pump station and ArtFarm community meeting

On April 28, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Once completed, the integration of a pump station at the ArtFarm complex is expected to alleviate a major portion of the city’s flooding problems.

By Alex Reidy

A virtual community meeting to introduce the Poplar Street Pump Station preliminary design and its integration with the ArtFarm project was held on Wednesday, April 14.

What is ArtFarm? According to the City of Somerville’s website, ArtFarm is “a self-sustaining art and urban agriculture laboratory designed to foster community engagement and creativity” and “will serve as a park, urban agriculture site, and arts hub featuring the ArtFarm community center with performance and exhibit spaces.”

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Guilt Free Eggs Florentine

On April 28, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


The traditional dish calls for butter and egg yolks for the hollandaise sauce. This sauce is high in cholesterol. I know you’re thinking, no way can this guilt free. But I’m here to tell you, this recipe is a game changer and is absolutely delicious. The avocado hollandaise is creamy, and its richness is so satisfying that you can eat this more often and reap the health benefits of this amazing fruit. High in heart healthy fat, dietary fiber, potassium, along with a good portion of the daily recommended vitamins B-6 and C at 20% and 24% respectively (USDA).

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Our View of the Times – April 28

On April 28, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Community volunteerism is an uplifting thing to observe and, especially, to participate in. When the efforts involved result in making the community a bit cleaner and a more comfortable place to live then it is all to the better.

So it is with the annual Somerville Spring Cleanup held this past weekend as many residents pitched in, picked up, and swept out the old, unwanted refuse and generally celebrated our mutual appreciation of the city we live and work in.

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Police and fire first birthday caravan

On April 28, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Angelo Busa/McWatters enjoyed a wonderful surprise on his first birthday with a Somerville Fire and Police caravan on Summer St. on Saturday, April 24. Angelo is the son of Jacqueline and Mike Busa. Florence McWatters is the great grandmother and his grandfather Kevin McWatters and Karen McWatters were present to witness the fabulous gesture by the fire and police departments. Angelo is also Grand Nephew of former Alderman Bob McWatters.

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I talked with artist Thea Paneth, of Somerville Open Studios, about the upcoming event that happens on May 1 and 2 of 2021. Open Studios has brought art to the streets of Somerville for over 20 years, and they continue to keep on keeping on, during these challenging times.

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Lyrical Somerville – April 28

On April 28, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Ball Square resident Marlena Merrin is a songwriter, musical theater writer, poet, and sometime improv actor. You can listen to some of her songs and read about some of her musicals at In her alternate life, under a slightly different name, she designs and analyzes IT systems for security and privacy.

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Somerville Police Crime Log April 12 – April 25

On April 27, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Anthony Moore, of Boston, April 22, 10:19 p.m., arrested at McGrath Hwy. on a warrant charge of shoplifting by asportation third offense.


With more residents and employees able to be vaccinated and a recent decrease in COVID-19 cases, Somerville will move into a modified Phase 4, Step 1 of the State’s reopening plan starting on Friday, May 7.

What will change in Somerville starting May 7:

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