
I met Somerville artist Alexandria Rozenman, under the thick, tangle of vines, in the courtyard of the Neighborhood Restaurant in Union Square, Somerville. Trying to make small talk, I told her that I was of Russian Jewish heritage, like her. She looked at my bagel, dripping with onions and smoked fish and said, “Yes, I can smell it.”

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Lyrical Somerville – September 15

On September 15, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Pamela Gemme is a poet, artist, and a social justice advocate. Pamela is the co-editor of Essential Anthology forthcoming 2022, Borderless Books West Virginia University. She has recent or forthcoming publications in many journals and anthologies and is working on two poetry manuscripts and has work in or forthcoming in many journals and anthologies. Pamela’s artwork can be seen in commercial settings on magazine covers and in galleries. Pamela can be reached at ArtSense@yahoo.com.

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Following his first place finish with 30 percent of the vote in Somerville’s Mayoral Preliminary Election, Somerville City Councilor released the following statement: 
“I want to express my deepest gratitude to all voters who came out, all of our volunteers who knocked doors, and to my opponents Katjana Ballantyne and Mary Cassesso, who both have run honorable campaigns. Only in Somerville, could an immigrant from Cameroon be elected City Councilor and now have the opportunity to make this city a place for all those who dream of a better life. I’m incredibly proud of the grassroots campaign we ran, all without taking a dime of developer money. I look forward to using the coming weeks to speak with voters about my progressive vision for Somerville, which will include dramatically expanding our affordable housing, a Green New Deal for Somerville, a commitment to make developers pay their fair share, and making public transit accessible, efficient, and free for everyone.”

Walk-in vaccine clinic (Pfizer) Wednesday, 9/15

On September 14, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

A walk-in clinic for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be held Wednesday, September 15, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m at Somerville High School, 89 Highland Ave. No appointment is necessary, but pre-registration is highly encouraged. You can pre-register at somervillema.gov/vaccine. The clinic is free, and open to all people 12 years or older, regardless of immigration status or health insurance.

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Don’t forget to go out and vote today

On September 14, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Former Congressman Mike Capuano with former Aldermen McWatters and Sullivan at Ward 5 polling place discussing today’s primary.

Tuesday, September 14, polling locations will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for Somerville voters to cast their ballots in the preliminary election. The preliminary election will narrow the field for Mayor, Ward 5 City Councilor, and Ward 7 City Councilor. The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 2.

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Renters, homeowners, and landlords with financial hardships urged to contact the Office of Housing Stability

The Somerville Board of Health (BOH) voted to extend the city’s residential eviction moratorium to April 30, 2022, at its September 9 meeting.

“I want to thank the Board of Health for taking this important step to protect public health as this pandemic continues,” said Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone. “We know about a third of renters who are evicted move in with friends or family, which can cause crowded conditions that help COVID-19 spread. Others go to shelters and similar congregate settings, or to tent encampments which also increase the likelihood of COVID transmission and lethality.  Keeping people in their homes is one of the many ways we are trying to limit the spread of this virus.”

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Artistic director from Somerville to compete on JEOPARDY! Sept. 14

On September 14, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Elizabeth Hunter, an artistic director from Somerville, Mass., to compete on America’s Favorite Quiz Show®,  September 14 on WBZ-TV (CBS).  You can watch Hunter compete on JEOPARDY! on WBZ-TV (CBS). Please check your local listing for additional information or visit Jeopardy.com.

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Somerville Police seek information on vandalism incident  

On September 13, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

On Saturday, September 11, at approximately 11:15 p.m., police responded to an Ash Avenue residence for a report of vandalism. Police found that the house, as well as a number of motor vehicles at this location and in the area, had been tagged with spray paint that referenced two local gang rivalries “MP45” and Port 44, “LGBTQK”, and other anti-Semitic graffiti drawings.

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Three Somerville polling locations relocated in 2021

On September 13, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Five polling places that moved in 2020 remain at same locations

As a reminder, three of Somerville’s polling places have been relocated as of the current 2021 election cycle. All other polling locations will remain in the same location as they were in 2020. Before voting in the September 14 preliminary election, don’t forget to double-check your polling location.

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