Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley speaks at an event in East Boston with the Massachusetts is not for sale coalition.

Yesterday, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) announced her support for the growing coalition of consumer, civil rights, and labor advocates opposing a Big Tech sponsored ballot initiative aiming to rewrite key worker and consumer protection laws in Massachusetts. Congresswoman Pressley and Senator Lydia Edwards took to the stage at a gathering inside an East Boston community center surrounded by supporters of the coalition, including a number of workers employed by Uber and Lyft who oppose the companies’ efforts to take away the rights of low-wage drivers and delivery workers.

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Somerville Police public safety news

On March 13, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
March 1 to March 7, 2022
On 3/6/22 at 9:33 p.m., Somerville Police arrested a man for armed robbery following an incident at a business in Davis Sq. The defendant attempted to steal numerous shaving items then forced his way around the counter and demanded cash in the register. The defendant kept his hands in his sweatshirt and gestured to having a weapon. After a brief struggle with employees, he fled the store and was apprehended by officers shortly after. No weapons were found on his person.

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Maker Movement Huddle for local creators, March 24

On March 12, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Calling all entrepreneurs, makers, artisans, and designers: You’re invited to the Maker Movement Huddle, an informal gathering for local creators hosted by the City of Somerville Economic Development Division and Boynton Yards. This is an opportunity for creatives and makers to network, reconnect, and plug into the City’s initiatives and resources. Technical entrepreneurs and hobbyists alike are welcome. Light bites will be provided. 

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Spring Cleaning: Is Your ‘Junk’ Worth a Fortune?

On March 12, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

© Delpixart / iStock via Getty Images Plus

If your family is like most, you have “junk” in your basement, garage or attic, such as sports cards, memorabilia and toys. Before you toss them out during spring cleaning, consider that the prices of sports cards, games and other ephemera are skyrocketing.

How can you determine if your stuff is valuable and, if it is, how can you sell it?

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Somerville Municipal Scholarship Committee seeks four members

On March 11, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Open Positions: Four, Term: Three years

The City of Somerville seeks four new members for the Municipal Scholarship Committee, and all Somerville residents are invited to apply. Applicants must be Somerville residents. Boards and commissions offer an opportunity for residents with a range of experience, skills, expertise, and perspectives to share their talents and insights with their community.

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After March 21, masks will be optional at City buildings and events

With COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations down, the City of Somerville will lift its mask requirement for city buildings and events starting Monday, March 21. This means all city-issued mask mandates are now either lifted or set to lift. Some federal and state mask requirements remain in effect. 

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Brown School Play Area public meeting, March 22

On March 11, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and Ward 6 City Councilor Lance Davis invite you to a virtual informational meeting where city staff will share updates about the play area at the Benjamin Brown School.

The city is working to begin construction this summer on schoolyard improvements that will address safety concerns and expand play opportunities.

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The Somerville Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is holding its annual Community Preservation Plan public hearing on Wednesday, March 23, at 6:30 p.m. 

The CPC holds a public hearing each year to identify community needs and priorities for Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds. Testimony from the hearing informs the CPC’s annual Community Preservation Plan update, which establishes how the year’s CPA funds will be allocated across affordable housing, historic resources, and open space categories. 

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All she did was hit the ‘go’ pedal

On March 10, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Somerville Police officers were dispatched to the intersection of Grand Union Blvd. and Great River Rd. last Thursday just after midnight on reports of a single motor vehicle accident.

Somerville dispatched informed the officers en route that the vehicle was on the island and the parties were outside the vehicle.

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Old Union Square

On March 10, 2022, in Community/Arts, Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Re-Union Square edition

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

The new Union Square T stop will open on March 21. I asked our friends to reminisce about the old days of the square. It was named for the Union Army during the Civil War. My reliable friends shared what they remember about the pre-Green Line square.

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