The City of Somerville Traffic Board will hold a virtual public hearing on Tuesday, December 20, regarding the Somerville Traffic Regulations Article 12-1 (“Pedestrian crossing ways or roadways”) 

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Best gift ever

On December 15, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

I asked for a guitar for two Christmases and finally got it on Christmas Day 1966 and started taking lessons. Before that my favorite toy was an Erector Set and my Aurora Racecar set. This story is about our friends and neighbors’ best and most loved Christmas presents and gifts.

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Winter Hill development plan presented to City Council

On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Somerville City Council was updated on the currently proposed development plans for the Broadway and Temple Street area. — Photo by Bobbie Toner

By Emilia Wisniewski

The Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development provided updates on a renovation project in Winter Hill, including a time for public hearing and expected construction, at a nearly four-hour City Council meeting last Thursday.

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Somerville celebrates opening of Green Line Extension to Medford

On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Green Line Extension to Medford officially opened on Monday, and Somerville was there for it. — Photos by Bobbie Toner and courtesy of MBTA Green Line Extension

By Jim Clark

Passenger service began on the completed Green Line Extension route on Monday as crowds gathered to be among the first riders and to participate in this historic event.

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A long-awaited deserved celebration

On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Eugene C. Brune
Mayor Emeritus      

Finally. After more than 50 years of expectation., long-awaited and promised Green Line is now serving the city of Somerville. The promise of this public transportation expansion was made after a major battle was launched by those neighborhoods that felt the noise, the disruption, the displacement, and the ill health effects, when I 93 ripped through Somerville, the densest city in the state. In the process, several lawsuits were filed which demonstrated the cumulative environmental problems which the new highway brought to town. Public transportation was seen as a mitigation for the environmental problems caused by the highway.

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Holiday Lighting on the City Hall Concourse

On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

— Photos by Bobbie Toner

On Thursday, December 8, Somerville kicked off the holiday celebrations with the Holiday Lighting on the City Hall Concourse. Santa Claus was escorted by the Somerville Fire and Police Departments making his grand entrance atop a shiny red fire truck. Santa met with children in the Somerville High School Cafeteria where all children who attend received a special gift from Santa and had the opportunity to take a photo with Old St. Nick.

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Newstalk – December 14

On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

After many delays, the Green Line Extension to Medford is completed and up and running. Many came out in the early hour morning on Monday to celebrate the opening. The main event is the Saturday, December 17, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Go Green Line! Community Celebration at Somerville High School, 81 Highland Avenue. Event attendees will be close enough to walk down and check out the new Gilman Square T stop behind the high school before or after the event.

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A view of old North Somerville Station

On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

With all the news of the new Green Line Station opening in Ball Sq., Wayne Daley, who grew up on Rogers Ave. in Somerville, shared this photo of North Somerville Station in that area. It was taken on October 21, 1957. The station sat beside the new station in Ball Sq. Bob Carol was the station manager for decades and Wayne worked there from 1953 to 1958. He remembers the train wreck on the Harvard St. bridge in November of 1957, and how active that area was with this station located there.



On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The practice of salting and drying Cod has been around for hundreds of years. It was used to preserve large quantities of fish for long periods of time while out at sea. Many cultures use this technique for preservation, including those located in the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, the Caribbean, and Brazil just to name a few. Of course, with the celebration of Christmas upon us, that brings us to the Italian-American tradition of what is called the Feast of the Seven Fishes served on Christmas Eve.

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Our View of the Times – December 14

On December 14, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

After so many years of wishing and hoping, fighting for funding then finally ponying up the fare, the mighty behemoth known as the Green Line Extension project has finally come to completion and has begun rendering service to the residents of our city and its neighboring environs.

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