Nebula Night is a community event that is part show, part jam, and all fun! Join in for a Friendsgiving show and jam, benefitting CAAS!
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By Jeffrey Shwom
It’s a Wednesday night in Union Square. Choose your own adventure … you can get there earlier for the Open Mic night or stay late for Karaoke. Either way, down a short court, tucked behind Union Square’s long time comfort pub, The Independent, lies the Jungle Community Music Club (The Jungle). Sam Epstein, owner and manager, regaled a night that two magicians performed. “It was incredible! They were really interesting.” Though an outlier for the normal artists and bands that perform on Wednesdays, that moment speaks to the specialness of the space. “Everyone supports artists going up. Meeting people and hanging out. People come in groups, or by themselves. It is a community in the club.”
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The second meeting of the Somerville School Advisory Group discussed the future of the Winter Hill Community Innovation School and The Brown School.
By Cathleen Twardzik
It’s that time of year again. Christmas is starting to waft through the air, but at the Somerville Center that means wreath assembly time. You could partake in the creation of beautiful, festive creations by volunteering at The Somerville Growing Center: Volunteer Opportunities (
This annual event is “our biggest” fundraiser. Each wreath is “handcrafted” and “made with love by our volunteers, which helps to support programming and care for the Growing Center.”
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By Ian Halim
When Dr. Audrey Evans was 80 years old, she got married for the first time, tying the knot with a physician-colleague she’d worked with for some 40 years, Giulio “Dan” D’Angio. One morning in 2005, Evans and D’Angio got married, went to a cafe for juice and croissant, and made it to work by 8:30am. She was a woman so devoted to her work, apparently, that she couldn’t take a day off for her own wedding!
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By Katherine Davis
On Tuesday, November 12, the Central Somerville Avenue project met to discuss plans for Civic Space and Mobility in the area stretching between Conway Park and Market Basket.
When thinking about uses of civic space it’s important to remember that we “don’t need to accomplish everything,” because, as Alison Maurer, Senior planner in Ecological Restoration, pointed out, “Some things are being accomplished by adjacent civic spaces.” Therefore, a discussion over what features the community and planning boards do want and think will work the most is needed, the main questions being addressed are as follows:
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