Somerville Police Crime Log January 21 – 27

25003929: On 1/22/25 at approximately 12:46 p.m., Somerville Police responded to East Cambridge Savings Bank (285 Highland Ave.) for a robbery. Upon arrival, officers were given a suspect description and were informed that the suspect left in a taxi cab. Officers quickly located the taxi and conducted a stop. The suspect was identified placed under arrest. Officers confiscated a knife from the suspect and recovered $80 tucked in the seats of the taxi.

Somerville Police Crime Log January 7 – 13


25002968: On 1/17/25 at approximately 9:48 a.m. a male party entered the station and stated that his juvenile son had an object thrown at his head by another student and it rendered him unconscious.

Somerville Police Crime Log December 31 – January 6

Commercial Breaking and Entering

25000037: On 1/1/25 at approximately 3:20 a.m., Somerville Police responded to a construction site on Medford St. for an alarm call. Upon arrival, officers were informed that a male party entered the site through an opening in the gate. Officers observed a lock and chain on the ground. Nothing was reported missing.

Somerville Police Crime Log December 17 – 30


24078495: On 12/17/24 at approximately 3:14 p.m., Somerville Police responded to Brook St & Rush St for report of a fight. Upon arrival, officers spoke with a juvenile male who stated he got into a fight with another juvenile male. The victim had injuries to his lip.

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Somerville Police Crime Log December 10–16

Residential Breaking and Entering

24077655: On 12/13/24 at approximately 6:17 p.m., Somerville Police responded to a residence on Pleasant Ave. for report of breaking and entering. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated he observed a male party standing in his hallway. He confronted the male and he left the residence. Officers began to search the area and located the male suspect nearby. He was identified.

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Somerville Police Crime Log December 3 – 9

Firearm Arrest
24076085: On 12/7/24 at approximately 7:21 a.m., Somerville Police responded to 30 Washington St. for a report of two males who exited a vehicle and left it parked in the roadway. Upon arrival, officers observed the two males walking away from the vehicle and inside to the Holiday Inn. Officers conducted a plain-view inspection of the vehicle and observed one 40 cal. bullet inside. Officers then approached the males who appeared nervous and began to reject officers’ commands. Detectives on scene, conducted a search of the area and located a loaded firearm under a nearby vehicle. Both males were subsequently placed under arrest.

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Somerville Police Crime Log November 26 – December 2

Shots Fired
24075186: On 12/2/24 at approximately 9:46 p.m., Somerville Police responded to 500 Mystic Ave for a report of shots fired. Upon arrival, officers observed a vehicle with ballistic damage and located three shell casings nearby. No injuries were reported. Investigation is ongoing.

Somerville Police Crime Log November 19 – 25

Bomb Threat
24073065: On 11/21/24 at approximately 8:24 a.m., Somerville Police responded to the Kennedy School for report of a bomb threat. Upon arrival, officers searched the school and the perimeter and did not locate any suspicious parties or devices.

Somerville Police Crime Log November 12 – 18

Residential Breaking and Entering
24071523: On 11/14/24 at approximately 5:20 p.m., Somerville Police responded to a residence on Warren Ave. for report of a past breaking and entering. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated he left his residence and when he returned, noticed his door was damaged and a guitar was stolen.

Somerville Police Crime Log November 5 – 11

Residential Breaking and Entering
24070507: On 11/10/24 at approximately 2:30 p.m., Somerville Police responded to a residence on Partridge Ave. for a past breaking and entering. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated her window was broken. Nothing was reported missing.

Somerville Police Crime Log October 15 – 28

Scooter Thefts
24066675, 24066760, 24067553: From 10/23-10/24, Somerville Police took three reports of scooter thefts from the High School. Officers identified the juvenile suspects involved in the thefts.

Somerville Police Crime Log October 8 – 14

Residential Breaking and Entering
24063136: On 10/10/24 at approximately 12:00 a.m., Somerville Police responded to a residence on Prospect St. for a past breaking and entering. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated he was sleeping and awoke to a male party in his room attempting to take his backpack. The victim confronted the suspect and the suspect fled out of the house.

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Somerville Police Crime Log October 1 – 7

Attempted Robbery
24062359: On 10/6/24 at approximately 11:54 p.m. Somerville Police responded to Walnut St. for report of a robbery. Upon arrival, officers spoke with two victims who stated they were sitting in their car at Leathers Park and were approached by two males who demanded their money and car. The victims stated they saw a black object resembling a handgun in one of the suspects waistbands. The victims then fled the area. Shortly after, officers spoke with two more victims who stated while they were walking home near Walnut St & Gilman St, two males approached them and demanded their money. The victims both fled the area to their home.

Somerville Police Crime Log August 27 – September 2


24052808: On 8/29/24 at approximately 7:15 p.m., Somerville Housing Police responded to Weston Ave for report of a past assault. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated he invited a male party inside his apartment and the male party threatened him with an object. Officers identified the male suspect.

Somerville Police Crime Log July 16 – 22

24043038: On 7/18/24 at approximately 8:09 p.m., Somerville Police responded to a business on McGrath Hwy for report of a larceny. Upon arrival, officers spoke with an employee who stated a male party entered and stole a prepaid meal. The suspect then shoved an employee trying to stop him.

Somerville Police Crime Log July 9 – 15

Residential Breaking and Entering
24040886: On 7/10/24 at approximately 9:33 a.m., Somerville Police responded to a residence on Vernon St. for report of a past breaking and entering. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated a male party stole a bicycle and electric scooter from his garage.

Somerville Police Crime Log July 2 – 8

24039741: On 7/5/24 at approximately 12:02 a.m., Somerville Police responded to Perkins St. for report of a fight. Upon arrival, officers spoke with two victims who stated they were outside and observed their friend in altercation with a male party. They went over to see what was going on and the male suspect pulled out a machete and began waving it at all of them. Officers identified the male suspect.

Somerville Police Crime Log May 14 – 20

On 5/15/24 at approximately 2:13 p.m., Somerville Police responded to Middlesex Ave. for report of a fight. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victims who stated they were involved in an altercation with two male parties after selling them some speakers. During the altercation, one of the male suspects brandished a knife at them and the other male hit the victim with a golf club. Officers identified both male suspects.

Somerville Police Crime Log May 7 – 13

On 5/4/24 at approximately 8:23 p.m., Somerville Police responded to a business in Assembly Row for report of a shoplifting. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated a male and female party entered the store and began to shoplift several items. When he approached the suspects, the male suspect brandished a knife at him.

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Somerville Police Crime Log April 9–15

Commercial Breaking and Entering
On 4/14/24 at approximately 9:18 p.m., Somerville Police responded to a business in Union Sq. for report of a past breaking and entering. Upon arrival, officers observed damage to the back of the store and the alarm disabled. An ATM machine inside was sawed open and the cash was stolen. Additionally, cash was stolen from two registers as well numerous cartons of cigarettes.

Somerville Police Crime Log March 2 – 8

On 4/2/24 at approximately 10:10 a.m., Somerville Police responded to Davis Sq for report of a robbery. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated while walking toward Statue Park, he was attacked by two males. The suspects then stole his wallet, and iPhone. One suspect was described as wearing blue jeans and the other dark colored sweatpants.

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Somerville Police Crime Log Feb. 27 – March 4

On 3/2/24 at approximately 3:56 p.m., Somerville Police responded to 290 Broadway for a weapons call. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated he was threatened by two male parties and one of them brandished a knife at him earlier in the day.

Somerville Police Crime Log December 26 – Jan 1

Commercial Breaking and Entering

On 12/27/23 at approximately 9:35 p.m, Somerville Police responded to a business on Holland St for report of a breaking and entering in progress. Upon arrival, officers conducted a search of the business and located a male party inside. He was then placed under arrest.

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Somerville Police Crime Log December 19 – 25


On 12/19/23 at approximately 10:03 p.m., Somerville Police responded to Grant St. for report of a past assault. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated earlier in the day, he was involved in an altercation with a juvenile male. During the altercation, the juvenile punched the victim in the face.

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