

Newstalk – February 26

Preserving Black History: Somerville Museum Panel. RSJ and the Somerville Museum invite you to a thought-provoking panel discussion on the impact of Black history on arts and culture and the importance of preserving Black narratives in our community. Hear from community organizers, activists, and city library staff as they share insights and experiences. Light refreshments will be served. How to Join: bit.ly/BHM_2025 or email rsj@somervillema.gov for more details.

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February 26

Our View of the Times – February 26

If there is one invaluable resource that all city residents can appreciate and be proud of, it is the Somerville Parks and Recreation Department.

They operate year-round programs throughout the city’s public facilities, playgrounds, schoolyards, and various other locations to promote positive and healthy activities for all members of the Somerville Community, in particular our kids.

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Somerville is on eBay!

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

This article was originally published in the March 15, 2008, edition.

For some strange reason, I started replacing some of my favorite childhood toys – I turned to eBay to accomplish this odd task. I just figured it was another weird part of getting older. So far, I have re-purchased a Secret Sam Spy Rifle with the hidden camera in the attaché case, a Girder and Panel Building Set, one of those 20 Mule Team Borax models and a Kenner “Give A Show Projector.” Remember those? It was a small plastic slide projector that showed color slides of Popeye, The Flintstones, Superman, Yogi Bear, and other cartoons – it worked with batteries and a light bulb, and you would project the image on a wall or a sheet. I got one for 30 bucks on eBay.

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The Power We Have Right Now

By State Rep. Christine Barber

Right now, we are facing tremendous threats – to our communities, economy, and our democracy. Like many of you, I have been struggling since the federal election to address these challenges. The last few weeks have escalated our fears of deportations of immigrants who have not committed crimes, of threats against transgender youth, and of a loss of federal funding for critical programs. I am angry about the dangerous decisions being made in Washington, many of which will have very real impacts on our communities. This is a scary moment for so many, but it is also a time to harness our local strengths and channel them into action.

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Somerville’s Path Forward in a Shifting National Landscape

By Mayor Katjana Ballantyne

I know many in Somerville have been watching the national news with a mix of disgust and distress. Prices continue to rise, and economic stability and critical systems and alliances appear threatened. Our federal government is actively reintroducing systemic bigotry of minority and marginalized groups. The new administration also seems fine with making life harder for people already living at the frayed end of the wage scale – or, really, all of us in the 99%. I wish I could tell you they’re going to stop, but there’s no indication they will. This is why where you live matters more than ever.

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Newstalk – February 19

The Somerville Police Department (SPD) has produced a list of unclaimed bicycles that are currently being stored at SPD headquarters located at 220 Washington St. Any owner of an unclaimed bicycle who seeks to reclaim it is encouraged to contact Somerville Police at 617-625-1600 as soon as possible. Bicycles remaining in the possession of SPD will be treated as municipal property and will be disposed of in any manner consistent with city surplus property and MGL c. 30B § 15, including but not limited to disposition at less than fair market value to a charitable organization.

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February 19

Our View of the Times – February 19

The President’s Day holiday puts us in mind of those great leaders who governed throughout our country’s tumultuous history: The American Revolution, the Civil War, two world wars, the Great Depression, the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam, and so on.

Greatness was thrust upon certain holders of that office by events that shaped their legacies, while others are relegated to general obscurity due to a lack of conflict and controversy during their times in office. Each one’s tenure in office should be regarded as equally important. In as much as big events could have elevated their place in history at a moment’s notice.

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Five and dime

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Back in the days of ample parking spaces every square had a “five and dime” store.

In Davis Square there we’re two, Woolworths and Grants. I started as a stock boy and worked my way up to the luncheonette making grilled cheeses, hot dogs and ice cream treats. Let’s toss around some memories of those stores of yore.

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Community Generosity in Somerville

Dear Editor,

Somerville residents, your generosity in 2024 was extraordinary! Together, you donated over 875 thousand pounds of clothing and household goods to Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries, a community-based nonprofit organization.

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Newstalk – February 12

Join a public Community Meeting regarding 231-249 Elm Street and 6-8 & 12 Grove Street (the development project from the Burren to Dragon Pizza). Wednesday, February 12, at 6 p.m. Somerville Community Baptist Church, 31 College Ave. The property owner and developer will be engaging in a discussion regarding the project. This is the 5th conversation and meeting notes from the previous four meetings can be found here: https://allevents.in/somerville/community-meeting-re-231-249-elm-street-and-6-8-and-12-grove-street/200027806790629.

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February 12

Our View of the Times – February 12

Valentine’s Day is coming around once next week, an occasion that many hold dear and cherish. For some, in fact, it is one of their favorite days of the year.

Sure, many people think it’s a corny tradition. Just another gimmick to ramp up sales of candies, cards, wine and what-not. For others, it’s a special time that provides an opportunity to express their deepest affections to the one – or many – who mean so much to them.

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Parking Woes

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

I’m lucky I’m in walking distance of Davis Square if I need something down there. But what are drivers to do if they need to shop there? There are two municipal lots that are filled up quickly. There are still a handful of meters scattered around the square. My go to spots are across from Redbones on Chester St.

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Community Benefits from Somernova

By Chris Dwan

The mood was cautiously optimistic at the Argenziano School cafeteria on a Wednesday night a couple of weeks ago. Nearly a hundred people gathered in person, and another 80 or so joined online, to see the Union Square Neighborhood Council and Rafi Properties share a “mid-point update” in their negotiations towards a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) for the proposed “Somernova” development.

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Taking Davis Square Higher?

By Denise Provost

People all over town are talking about the 25-story building proposed for Davis Square. The most asked question seems to be, are you for it, or against it? But it seems to me that this question is premature.

We probably all have first reactions to the concept of a 500-apartment high-rise. But whatever these initial feelings, it will help to have more detailed information.

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Newstalk – February 5

On February 5, from 6 to 8 p.m., the Somerville Arts Council will be hosting a Volunteer Craft Night. A themed activity where people can design handmade cards which will be sent to the seniors at the Visiting Nurses Assoc. in Somerville. A wonderful way to meet other volunteers, have a few refreshments, and create art. Craft supplies will be available. While you are not required to make a card, we encourage people use their artistic prowess to make something wonderful for those in need. Since space is limited, please RSVP via the Eventbrite link https://tinyurl.com/bdfvmdpe. Location: MudFlat Pottery School, 81 Broadway, Somerville.

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