(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers)
This week’s breezy, cooler temperatures might make it easy to forget that only a few weeks ago, the city had to open cooling centers as we endured the third heat wave of a summer that’s only halfway over. So why am I still sweating this week? I’m sweating the undeniable scientific facts about climate change, driven by human behavior, and the warming of the planet that scientists have long been predicting.
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The Moody Blues member plays the Somerville Theatre

Master singer/songwriter Justin Hayward will be playing this Wednesday evening at the Somerville Theatre.
By Jim Clark
To mention Justin Hayward and the band he has played in for nearly 50 years, The Moody Blues, stirs memories and activates earworms for almost all who lived through the 60’s and beyond. His songs and his voice are indelibly ingrained in many hearts and minds, and most would agree that the world is a far more beautiful place because of them.
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Somerville’s storm water drainage system will be put under scrutiny as the city seeks ways to alleviate the severe flooding problems occurring in the Cedar St. area.
By Harry Kane
A utility project to help alleviate flooding in homes on Cedar Street is getting underway with an initial informational meeting addressing the process for improving the drainage system in Somerville.
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Show opens tonight, already extended

The cast of ‘Odysseo’ presented a sneak preview yesterday, gearing up for opening night tonight.
– Photo by Elizabeth Sheeran
By Elizabeth Sheeran
Tickets are going fast for Cavalia’s Odysseo, the $30 million equestrian-themed spectacle that opens tonight under the twin-peaked big top at Assembly Row.
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Cavalia’s Odysseo will make its premiere under the White Big Top at Assembly Row tonight, August 7. With its latest creation, Cavalia marries the equestrian arts, stage arts and high-tech theatrical effects at never-before-seen levels. Cavalia’s Odysseo features 67 horses and 46 artists in a larger-than-life theatrical production that sends hearts racing. For tickets you can go online at www.cavalia.net or by calling 1-866-999-8111.
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Kids learn a variety of performing skills including Acro-balance, Devil sticks, Hat-manipulation, and Hula Hoops when they participate in the annual OPENAIR Circus.
– Photo by Douglas Yu
By Douglas Yu
About 200 kids this year entertained Somerville residents by riding unicycles, juggling, miming and walking stilts. It was the first time for OPENAIR Circus kids to show off their skills at Conway Park in Somerville.
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Eagle Feathers #32 – ‘Casey at the Bat’
By Bob (Monty) Doherty
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Mudville — mighty Casey has struck out.
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(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers)
On July 25th The Somerville Fire Department was faced with the daunting task of extinguishing a fast moving fire on Calvin Street, which was at great chance of consuming six closely situated multi-family homes.
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