(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers)
Dear Editor,
I want to give a public pat on the back to Mayor Joe and his staff and administration for the outstanding efforts and dedication they have show over the last 5+ years to pursuing green development in Somerville. When I read his commentary in last week’s paper about “Making the Green Choice the Easy Choice”, I just about jumped out of my chair- not just because it was further evidence that Somerville is leading the way on tackling climate change and the investments we have made in clean energy and zero-sort recycling are already paying major dividends (already $2 million saved in energy costs and recycling is up 51%!), but because the City has now added a free program electronic waste recycling! E-WASTE!
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The Somerville Tsunami 10U softball team co-champions in the 10U B division of the Middle Essex Softball League.
The Somerville Tsunami 10U softball team finished their season 13-1 to earn the title of co-champions in the 10U B division of the Middle Essex Softball League. In their first year of play, the Somerville Tsunami began practices at the end of June and played 14 games through the first week in August scoring 167 runs on their way to the division championship.
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Denise Provost writes:
“I started writing – mainly, but not exclusively poetry – as a child. I got a full scholarship to Bennington College during my sophomore year of high school, based in large part on a manuscript of poetry. In my senior year, I decided to go to law school, after having decided that I was not suited for a graduate degree in English literature.
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Somerville School Committee chair Mary Jo Rossetti to help lead national education advocacy campaign.
– Photo by Harry Kane
Somerville School Committee Chair Mary Jo Rossetti has been appointed to the national advocacy campaign for public education as part of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) leadership team following a series of briefings with state and national education leaders in Memphis last week. More than 100 local officials from across the nation participated in the strategy and planning conference under the direction of NSBA President David Pickler.
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Jose Salamanca-Flores, 21, of 204 Pearl St., August 12, 10:00 p.m., arrested at 202 Pearl St. on multiple charges of receiving stolen property and on warrant charges of defacing property and unarmed burglary.
Reinaldo Aviles, 46, of 31 Corona St., Dorchester, August 13, 5:49 p.m., arrested at 75 Mystic Ave. on a charge of shoplifting by concealing merchandise.
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Expanded playground will have multi-sport course, play areas for different age groups, increased lighting and security
The long-awaited renovation of North Street Veterans Playground will begin this coming week with the park’s new landscape design transforming it into an inviting and inspiring green space that can be enjoyed by children—and adults—of all ages.
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Of nine fires, three now ruled as intentional, three as accidental, three remain under investigation
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, State Fire Marshal Stephen Coan, and Somerville public safety officials held a press conference today to provide the community with an update on the ongoing investigation into recent fires that have occurred in Somerville. Over the last three months, nine house fires have occurred, the most recent of which occurred on Sunday, August 18, on Belmont St. The State Fire Marshal’s office has ruled three of these fires to be accidental. Three others remain under investigation. However, three have now been ruled as intentionally set. Public Safety officials are seeking information and assistance from the community to assist the investigation of these fires, and also urge all residents to carefully review and follow the fire safety and arson prevention tips below.
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Some mid-summer reading suggestions from Ken Gloss and the Brattle Book Shop. Many more choices are available in their West Street shop in the Downtown Crossing section of Boston and also in their adjacent outdoor lot on dry days Monday through Saturday except on major holidays.
By Kenneth Gloss
If you’re an avid fiction reader, you may spend a lot of time scrutinizing the best-seller lists before you select reading material. However, best-seller lists can also serve as a guide for book collectors. People intent on collecting the stories that have been loved by generations or that have had the most influence on popular culture will find collecting direction in these lists. If you have a penchant for the popular, best-sellers may be the collecting niche for you.
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