Do you have a passion for parks, affordable housing, and historic preservation? The City of Somerville wants your help and is now accepting applications for four public positions on the newly formed Community Preservation Committee, which will oversee the selection of projects to be recommended for funding by an estimated $1.5 million in annual Community Preservation Act (CPA) revenues. Residents are encouraged to apply and applications must be submitted by Sept. 22, 2013.
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Mayor Joseph Curtatone and Maria Carpenter, Director of the Somerville Public Libraries, announced today that the City of Somerville will launch its fourth “One City, One Book” campaign in September 2013. Somerville Reads is a project that promotes literacy and community engagement by encouraging people all over the city to read and discuss the same book. The book selected for the 2013 project is The Art Forger by B. A. Shapiro, a page-turner of a novel that deals with the largest unsolved art heist in history. The robbery took place on March 18, 1990, when thirteen works of art worth over $500 million were stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. Claire Roth, a struggling young artist with her own scandalous past, is about to discover that that there’s more to this crime than meets the eye.
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Participants pose at a recent event held in Orleans Restaurant, Somerville.
By Rahul Raghuvanshi
The fast growing popularity of painting while drinking finally seems to have caught a fever in Somerville. After selling out for several Paint Nite events in Somerville, the company has opened its new office at Somerville Avenue to help organize more Paint Nite events in the neighborhood.
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Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte
(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers)
I felt the need to go back and talk about the drive-in theaters that were such a big part of our childhoods. I did a story back in 2008, so I figured I’d toss the subject out there again seeing how the summer is winding down. So put on your PJs and let’s hit the drive in!
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Friendly neighborhood police officers are a popular sight nationwide, and now Somerville, Mass., is taking that successful idea and applying it to a very different community service: the building permit process. The City of Somerville’s Inspectional Services Division is phasing in a new assignment process for building permits, dedicating each of its three building inspectors to specific city wards, which will allow those inspectors to follow a permit from the moment it is issued to completion.
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– Photo by Kristen Hale
The Somerville Boxing Club, the Somerville Recreation Dept., Mayor Curtatone and USA Boxing present Somerville Fight Night, tonight, August 23 at Dilboy Stadium, Route 16, at 6 p.m. Rain date August 24. For ticket information call 617-764-3326. Last year’s event had a great turnout and a nice night of entertainment. Support the club and the good work they do for local kids.
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By Joseph A. Curtatone
(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers)
Diversity, community and affordability. Those were the three most frequently used words by residents during the workshops that led to the creation of our comprehensive 20-year SomerVision plan, and they all have a direct relationship with one another. Our diversity has always been what makes this city such an enriching place to live. We have young professionals, new immigrants and long-time residents, new families and old, artists and CEOs all living alongside one another. We are a community. And affordability is critical to maintaining and fostering the diversity that makes our community great, ensuring that everyone who wants to live in Somerville can do so, and those who are already here can remain.
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Upgraded play surface, lighting, and more to be installed starting this week; Park closed for 6-8 weeks during improvements
Improvements to play and park features as well as underground drainage began today at the Glen Park playground at the Capuano Early Childhood Center in East Somerville, announced Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone.
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