A new leader for the 3rd floor

On January 14, 2007, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Phil Erocolini to take over economic development post. 



Keep crying pal

On January 12, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

by George P. Hassett

A thief stole almost $300 in clothes from the Sports Authority Saturday, then cried when he was apprehended by officers, police said.

Police said Officer Kevin Shackelford chased Patrick Tanaka Michel, 17, down Middlesex Avenue, under Route 93 and onto Cross Street East after Michel boosted $294 worth of merchandise.

While Shackelford chased Michel down Cross Street East, Michel threw the bag of stolen goods onto the sidewalk, but when Shackelford turned onto Pennsylvania Avenue, Michel was nowhere in sight, police said.

Within minutes, Officer Marcos Freitas allegedly located Michel hiding under a car in the driveway of 123 Pennsylvania Ave. While police pulled him from underneath the car, Michel allegedly began to cry and made several incriminating statements, police said.

Police were not sympathetic to his tears and arrested and charged Michel with larceny over $250 and resisting arrest.


LoRusso throws his hat in the ring

On January 12, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

East Somerville businessman, Elio LoRusso, who runs his family’s Ornamental Ironworks business told The Somerville News Thursday he is definitely running for the Alderman-at-large seat vacated by State Rep. Denise M. Provost, D, Somerville.

LoRusso was unsuccessful in his 2003 bid for an at-large seat, but has continued to be active in his neighborhood’s politics.



Someday Cafe, the new neighbor

On January 11, 2007, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Our contributor, David Taber, told us at this morning’s contributors meeting that work continues on moving the Someday Cafe into the pool room of Sacco’s Bowl Haven.



Mr. Crepe returns

On January 11, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Crepe1Davis Square has fresh crepes again!

Saturday, Mr. Crepe had its soft opening with a limited menu, but is now  offering a full array of crepes, waffles and fancy coffee and teas.



Environmental concerns close two classrooms

On January 10, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Environmental concerns close two classrooms
By George P. Hassett

Contaminated soil from 50 Tufts St. caused two classrooms at the nearby Capuano School to be closed this week.  Tetrachloroethylene (TCE), a chemical used in the dry cleaning industry, has taken root underneath the soil of East Somerville and is moving around the neighborhood, said Superintendent of Schools Anthony Pierantozzi.

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Friends remember Joe Mackey

On January 8, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Friends remember Joe MackeyMack1_1
By George P. Hassett

Jack Connolly first knew Joe Mackey as a standout first basemen on the baseball diamonds of Somerville when they were children. Decades later, when  Connolly was the newly elected Ward 6 alderman, he was reminded of his old friends‚Äô skill and loyalty.

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Study: Less drug use, more safety at Somerville High School

On January 8, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Study: Less drug use, more safety at Somerville High School
By George P. Hassett

Fewer local high school students are drinking alcohol and using drugs today than were two and four years ago, according to a study released this week and conducted by Somerville Cares About Prevention Coalition (SCAP).

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What the city can expect from the Patrick tenure

On January 8, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

A commentary by Fred Berman and Lori Segal

Governor Patrick can do a lot that will benefit the City of  Somerville.

Understandably, Somerville residents and elected  officials will be focused on the level of Local Aid, which provides  essential funding for schools and police and fire protection.Fredb_loris_sm

But there are many other needs that have languished under prior  Administrations, and that Gov. Patrick has recognized and indicated  his willingness to tackle.

Fred Berman and Lori Segal

If he can be successful in reinvigorating our community colleges,  that would make a huge difference for Somerville residents who now  feel closed out of this important stepping stone to economic stability.

Somerville‚Äôs hopes for Green Line expansion and for a T stop at  Assembly Square are far more likely to be realized if he makes good  on his commitment to public transportation.

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Mackey passes

On January 6, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Mackey passes

Mack1Joseph K. Mackey, a former Somerville state representative and devoted community member, passed away today. More on Mackey’s life and career to follow.