— Photo by Christopher Reilley
Doug Holder is the founder of the Ibbetson Street Press. He teaches creative writing at Endicott College outside of Boston. Doug Holder’s work has appeared in Constellations, Rattle, Caesura, Boston Hassle and elsewhere. The Doug Holder Papers Collection is being processed at the University at Buffalo.
Dreaming On the Senior Line at Market Basket
I walk with Ginsberg and Whitman
and we will talk.
I’ll dream of tomatoes
rich red draping from a vine
my naked hands
feeling the
of their,
rippling skin
I will bathe in
the wet jungle of grapes
bubbles of fruit
dancing on the contours
of my balding scalp.
I will join the bunch….
of bananas
that hang like a fruit bat
yellow and bruised
just to get in
under their peeling
I will tell them about the predicament we are in.
Vinyl, cloth and plastic
wrap the world
but I dream of mangoes
or a sad-eyed haddock
joyously twirled.
— Originally appeared in Yasou! magazine
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