Dear Community Members,
Here is a COVID-19 update for Thursday, May 7.
Latest news:
- Case Counts: As of 9:30 a.m. today, May 7, a total of 665 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19, 291 of them have since recovered, and sadly there have been 10 deaths. To sign up for free COVID-19 testing for Somerville residents, call 617-665-2928, Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Have a safe Mother’s Day: First, a shout out to all moms. Now, before you make your mother’s day plans, this 5-minute segment from NPR radio offers some advice on what to consider, such as not visiting your mom in person, especially if she is at higher risk for serious complications from COVID-19 due to age or underlying health conditions. This year, a phone call, safely dropping off a small gift or treat, a sign taped to the window or put in the yard, or a plan to celebrate when it’s safer may be the best gift.
- 100,000 masks headed to residents: Starting this week, we will be distributing 100,000 civilian three-ply masks to residents. We are prioritizing getting masks to senior housing buildings, public housing buildings, and City and School food distribution sites, as well as to other vulnerable residents. Somerville Police officers will also be handing out masks at set locations through at least May 12. To find out more, including where officers will be with masks, visit somervillema.gov.
- Call for homemade mask donations: Along with distributing masks, we’re putting out a call to the community to donate 10,000 homemade masks to give to vulnerable residents. Unlike civilian three-ply masks, cloth masks can be washed and reused many times. If you’re sewing masks and would like to give some to fellow community members, you can put them in a sealed bag and drop them off in the book slot at either the Central or East Branch library. We already have our fist 1,100. Find out more at somervillema.gov.
- Construction to begin in phases starting May 18: In anticipation of the easing of statewide stay-at-home restrictions on May 18, the City is preparing for a careful and phased restart of construction under strict COVID-prevention protocols. To restart projects, all contractors will have to submit a Jobsite Hazard Analysis and prepare a Site Specific Safety Plan with a focus on COVID safety. The first phase of construction could begin as early as May 18, pending approval of safety plans.
- Share your feedback for reopening the economy: The State’s Reopening Advisory Board is seeking feedback about reopening the economy. If you have ideas about challenges your industry might face, best practices your industry has developed, or other input you can share it HERE.
Today’s Assistance Tip: Apply for Small Business COVID Relief Funds by May 11
Businesses have until 3 p.m. on Monday, May 11, to apply for a forgivable loan from the Somerville Small Business COVID-19 Relief Fund. Funds can be used for working capital expenses, including but not limited to rent or mortgage payments, payroll expenses including healthcare, and utility expenses. Visit
somervillema.gov/bizrelief to learn more about requirements and to apply.
Today’s Public Health Tip: If I’ve recovered from COVID-19 am I immune?
At this time,
scientists are not sure if people who recover from COVID-19 are immune to the disease. Until more is known, continue to take all the recommended steps to protect yourself and others (staying home as much as possible, washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, staying at least six feet from others when you go out, wearing face coverings in public settings).
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