Updates on Somerville’s response to the COVID-19 crisis

On April 24, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Normally there is an editorial from Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone in this space, but this week the City is instead sharing important information and updates about COVID-19.

Two New Assistance Funds Launched, Applications Coming Soon
Last week, Mayor Joe Curtatone and the United Way announced the launch of the Somerville Cares COVID-19 relief fund, which will offer emergency financial support to Somerville residents and workers. Through the fund, support will be made available to help individuals and families with the greatest need: people who have lost their jobs or income, for example, and are struggling to cover basic needs like food, utilities, housing costs, healthcare, or child care. Funds will be available regardless of immigration status and eligible workers include those recently laid off from their jobs. The fund will be hosted by the United Way and administered by the Community Action Agency of Somerville (CAAS). Because the fund was just started, it is currently only accepting donations. As soon as sufficient funds are raised, we will announce how to apply for aid. If you are able to donate to the Somerville Cares Fund, visit www.somervillema.gov/somervillecares.

The City also launched a $1 million fund that will give forgivable loans of up to $10,000 to local, independently owned small businesses affected by COVID-19. Application procedures and full details for the Small Business COVID-19 Relief Fund are coming soon. Business owners should also visit www.somervillema.gov/covidbizhelp for more information on other available resources and supports.

Mt. Pleasant Apartments Quarantined
On April 18 residents of the Mt. Pleasant senior apartment building in Somerville were placed under a mandatory minimum 14-day quarantine after eight cases of COVID-19 were confirmed there. The Board of Health worked with the building management to help make sure residents have the supplies they need for quarantine, and the Council on Aging is offering support services to residents to answer their questions, connect them to resources, and assist with coordinating access to basic needs. Building residents who need assistance should contact the Council on Aging directly at 617-625-6600 x2300 or via 311 at 617-666-3311.

Somerville Restaurants Can Now Offer Groceries
Mayor Curtatone and the Board of Health issued an order allowing restaurants to offer grocery items for pick-up and/or delivery service through the duration of the local state of emergency. Next week you’ll be able to find restaurants offering groceries on www.somervilledelivers.com.

Staying Informed During COVID-19
The City’s COVID-19 website, www.somervillema.gov/coronavirus, is updated frequently with public health information as well as resources and supports.

Here are some additional ways you can stay informed:

  • Sign up for City alerts at www.somervillema.gov/alerts or by calling 311. You can choose to get phone, text, and/or email alerts.
  • Tune in to City Cable (RCN channel 13, Comcast channel 22) for information and updates.
  • 311 is available 24/7 to answer questions and provide information.

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