The IRS is distributing Economic Impact Payments (also called stimulus checks). Most individuals will receive $1200 (+$500 per dependent child) directly to their bank accounts. Make sure you receive your check as soon as possible by heading to bit.ly/irsgetmypayment to:
(1) Check on the status of your payment
(2) Add or update your direct deposit bank account information (the fastest way to receive your check)
3) Complete this form if you were not required to file taxes in 2018 or 2019: irs.gov/coronavirus/
(4) Complete this form if you receive SSI, SSDI, or Railroad retirement AND need to add a dependent child (+ $500 per child): irs.gov/coronavirus/
Anyone who filed taxes in 2018 or 2019, or anyone who receives SSI, SSDI, or Railroad retirement will receive their payment automatically as long as you have a Social Security Number, and provided the IRS with up-to-date direct deposit information. You can also receive your check by mail, but it may take significantly longer.
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