Callie Chapman of the Zoe Dance Company will be featured on SAC’s kickoff live-streaming event on Thursday, April 16 at 7:00 p.m.
By Anna Schaeffer
The Somerville Arts Council (SAC) is launching the Home Alone Art Series (HAAS) in response to COVID-19 social distancing measures. The debut performance of HAAS will be held Thursday, April 16 at 7:00 p.m. via Facebook’s live stream function and scheduled continually as long as physical distancing measures are implemented.
The performances will span a variety of genres including but not limited to music, visual arts, theater, dance, writing, and multidisciplinary artwork. Somerville artists are invited to apply on the website for The Somerville Arts Council.
SAC’s Home Alone Art Series seeks to uphold a sense of connection in Somerville’s art community in a way that is free and accessible to all interested in participating. Iaritza Menjivar, Events Manager of the Somerville Arts Council stated that there was a need for “a sense of immediacy between the public and the artist. The option of commenting during live streams gives the public a chance to connect like you would in a live event.”
The Somerville Arts Council’s mission is to encourage and celebrate the creative expressions of Somerville’s vibrant community, respecting the city’s changes while honoring its past. SAC has also hosted programs such as Arts in the garden and the Mystical Mural Program. This program, however, is different from any program that SAC has endeavored.
Usual interactions between SAC and organizers, coordinators and vendors are considerably restricted. However, SAC’s goal to build community and offer support in challenging times remains unchanged. The Home Alone Art Series was conceptualized as a response to both the urgency to stay home, preventing the spread of COVID-19 and SAC’s aim to support local artists who have been hard hit in recent times.
Thursday’s event will feature a mixed dance performance by Callie Chapman, Artistic Director of the Zoe Dance Company, along with live-streaming visuals and audio by Catherine Murcek and Christopher Konopka.
The next scheduled event will take place on April 21, with performer Greg Jukes sharing personal connections and educational narratives of his instruments and music.
Local independent press publisher and author, Janaka Sturky will be doing two-segment performances based on his new book, Ascend, Ascend on Thursday, April 23. Puppeteer Charlotte Dore will present an instructional show while in character, teaching parents how to create their puppets with homemade materials. Chris Freedman will give a musical performance and discuss the making of his new album.
On Tuesday, April 28, Charlotte Dore will be performing, as one of her characters, and will teach parents on how to create their own puppetry show with homemade materials.
Chris Freedman will present a performance of his own music and will talk about the making of his new album and the use of different instruments on Thursday, April 30.
The goal of the series is to hire and pay Somerville artists who are experiencing financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19 social distancing regulations as well as foster creative expression during this uncertain time.
Interested applicants should send an email to imenjivar@somervillema.gov with a description of the performance. Artists selected by the council will be paid $300. Each live stream performance will be recorded and posted to the Somerville Arts Council YouTube page for future viewing.
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