Lynne Viti is a lecturer emerita in the Writing Program at Wellesley College. She is the author of two previous poetry collections, Baltimore Girls and The Glamorganshire Bible, and the recently published Going Too Fast: Stories. Her website is at lynneviti.wordpress.com.
At Hale Reservation

Lynne Viti
The road rises before us, a winding asphalt path
through woods, trailheads behind stone walls,
traces of colonial farmhouses and work-roads
where ox-carts dragged granite from to Boston and beyond.
Did the ghosts of those who worked this land
suffer smallpox, think of themselves as
sinners in the hands of an angry God,
believe they were not among the Elect
or were they stoic, philosophical?
Families with their dogs, pairs of adults, runners
walk ahead, or pass us going the opposite way.
In strong sunlight we shed our gloves, tie our puffy jackets
around our waists, look for messages of spring—
trees budding, a spot of new green emerging
from leaf-beds. These signs are scant,
the season holds back, but we crave any hint
to reassure us something better‘s on the way.
After that first week of shutting ourselves up in the house,
we already miss what we used to complain about,
jobs grudgingly performed, or obligations we had to meet.
We turn the last corner, arrive at the parking lot,
climb into the car, sanitize our hands—
a secular ritual that’s as close to sacred
as we have in these strange days.
— Lynne Viti
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