What’s new on Somerville Neighborhood News

On November 2, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

What do folks think of the “pot shops” coming to your neighborhood?

By Stephanie Wittenbach, Somerville Neighborhood News

As the city’s Licensing Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals prepare to consider and possibly approve three recreational marijuana outlets for Somerville, neighbors and passersby across the city chimed in with their views.

“I think it’s a good idea, I don’t partake myself. But it’s legal if people want to do that, then that’s a good thing,” said Josh Myers on Highland Avenue, where New England Select Harvest hopes to set up shop.

But near 71 Union Square, where Union Leaf plans to open its doors, some were more skeptical. Alexander Rich-Shea, who said he likes marijuana, is nervous about those who drive under the influence. “I think everyone is driving high these days and I don’t think there is any way to really detect it,” he noted. Still, he’s happy Union Leaf might be opening up.

Here more from your neighbors in the SNN news video and read the story online at somervillemedia/org/snn.


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