L-R standing: Jim Bowdring, Bob Nissenbaum, Jack Connolly, Darcie DeLuca, Dawn Austin, Tom Austin, Bill Lemos, Gene Brune, Paul Zimmerman; L-R front: Chairperson Haley Adams, David Blumsack, Patricia Ng.
On August 20, the Somerville Kiwanis Club wrapped up the second successful year of a month-long drive to collect school supplies for local children who are most in need. The drive was officially closed when 200+ backpacks stuffed with school supplies were dropped off at two Somerville Schools.
The program began in early July with donation boxes being placed at local businesses across the city where supplies were collected. On two July weekends, Kiwanis members collected supplies donated by customers at Staples located at Assembly Square Marketplace. In addition, club members and corporate supporters donated more than $2000.00 in cash.
On Monday, August 19, club members and volunteers from Federal Realty Trust packed over 200 backpacks with school supplies. The following day, those backpacks were delivered to both the Parent Information Center of Somerville Schools and to Prospect Hill Academy.
Kiwanis President William Lemos and Program Chairperson Haley Adams expressed their gratitude to everyone who supported or contributed to this program. A huge thank you to Federal Realty Trust who supplied a generous donation of 90 backpacks and a monetary donation that got the drive off to a fantastic start.
The Kiwanis Club thanked the Staples Assembly staff and Manager, Juan Lopez, who allowed them to collect supplies in front of the store over two weekends in July. Comcast was also thanked for their generous donation of 200 notebooks and 20 backpacks. Thanks were also offered to Dr. James Nager of Belmont Dental for the 200 hygiene kits and Kiwanis Member Tom Austin for 200 pocket Constitutions for the kids that were included in the packs.
Additional thanks go out to East Cambridge Savings Bank, Winter Hill Bank, Naveo Credit Union, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commonwealth, ABG Realty, Wedgewood Crane and Connolly Insurance and the Somerville Media Center for their support of this program.
Also, a special shout-out is given to the Lion’s Club brethren who donated their club space to store and pack the backpacks.
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