By Jim Clark
A man identified as Reginal Joseph came in to the Somerville Police station last Thursday to dispute a citation that was issued to him the day before.
The officer that issued the citation happened to be inside the station and once again explained the appeal process to Joseph.
After failing to understand the officer’s instructions, a different officer explained multiple times and read the instructions on the back of the citation to Joseph, who then requested to talk to a supervisor.
Even after meeting with the supervisor, Joseph still continued to argue the facts of the incident, and the citation.
Officers attempted to explain again to Joseph that this was an argument for his appeal in court, not there at the police station.
Joseph the reportedly reached out and grabbed one of the officers on the shoulder and the officer told him not to touch him.
Joseph was asked to leave the station, and his behavior escalated. He reportedly became violent and tumultuous, yelling and screaming in officer’s faces.
The officers attempted to escort Joseph physically out of the station by grabbing his arm. They walked him outside the first set of double doors, and he began to struggle more with them.
Joseph then unexpectedly turned and punched one of the officers in the face, knocking off his glasses. At this time the officers took Joseph to the ground, attempting to place him in custody, but he actively resisted their commands to put his hands behind his back.
Because he was continuing to be non-compliant, an officer delivered two closed hand strikes to Joseph’s face, but he still refused to follow commands. Several officers attempted to put Joseph into handcuffs, but he would not comply.
A burst of OC spray was administered and Joseph immediately complied, allowing the officers to take him into custody. Joseph was then transported to the holding area.
Due to Joseph’s uncooperative behavior, he was unable to be booked at that time. Sometime later, officers attempted to book Joseph but he still would not comply and, on orders of their superior, they escorted him back to the cell.
While entering the cell, Joseph reportedly stated, “I hope you have a tight grip on my arm,” and reached back towards one of the officer’s holster where his firearm would normally be. Police officers are required to lock and secure their firearms inside a lock box located outside of the cell area. After realizing this, the officer pinned both of Joseph’s arms on top of his head and he pressed his buttocks against the officer’s groin and said, “Oh, yea.”
A team was requested to evaluate Joseph’s mental state. He was given an opportunity to speak with them and was not very cooperative.
Joseph is being charged with resisting arrest, assault and battery on a police officer, and disorderly conduct.
> the officer pinned both of Joseph’s arms on top of his head and he pressed his buttocks against the officer’s groin and said, “Oh, yea.”
There it is: the greatest sentence Somerville Times will ever print.