David Powers was commended by the city for his brave actions that led to the arrest of a bank robbery suspect back in May of this year.
By Jennifer Grimes
The Somerville City Council recently commended bystander Dave Powers for his heroic acts on May 1 of this year when he saw someone in Davis Sq. sprint past him and had a feeling that something was wrong.
Powers’ suspicion was confirmed when a police officer ran past him in pursuit of the running suspect. Powers jumped into action without hesitation. In doing so, his actions led to the capturing of a suspect in an armed robbery of the Middlesex Federal Savings Bank.
During the Council’s presentation, Mayor Curtatone stepped up to the podium to say a few words before awarding Powers a commendation plaque. The mayor, who saw the security tape that caught Powers in action, described his heroic and successful efforts to take down the suspect as “the perfect hockey check, which dislodged a backpack that had evidence inside to lead to the suspect. When I spoke to Mr. Powers after the incident I asked him ‘how did you know what to do?’ He replied by saying, ‘I just saw someone running real fast, an officer chasing him, and I knew something was wrong. I knew I had to stop him.’”
After Powers accepted his award from the City Council, Councilor Hirsh, who also watched the tape, commented about how she felt inspired. She spoke from the heart about how Powers is a great example of someone who has and may continue to act when he spots someone in trouble. She said, “It’s inspirational to us to know that when we see something that needs attention we should just jump into the fray, it could be a kid struggling on the playground or someone struggling in some way. It’s inspirational to know that someone can do that and that we can all use our gifts to help in some way when we see the need.”
“I appreciate the recognition, and thank you to the family and friends who showed up for this, thanks again,” said Powers.
The plaque he received reads, “The Councilors and the Mayor offer their genuine gratitude for his courageous efforts.”
He deserves to get the reward that the FBI offered for information leading to the suspect’s arrest.