Our View of the Times – June 12

On June 12, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

It is an event in our nation’s history that we have heard about all our lives. That we live in the very heart of this hallowed place is a remarkable gift. In return, we are called upon to pay particular attention to the passage of this special anniversary.

The Battle of Bunker Hill – or the Battle of Breed’s Hill, depending on which historian, qualified or not, is speaking – is, as we have all been taught, considered the first significant battle of the Revolutionary War.

Although tactically something of a loss for the Colonials, it was in the larger view a strategic victory in that the British forces suffered a relatively large number of casualties, which buoyed the spirits of the revolutionary forces and set into motion events that would change the world forever.

Such is our heritage. And so it is our privilege and duty to honor the day by observing the occasion, each in our own special way, by honoring those who so long ago laid down their lives in the pursuit of the freedoms that we so easily enjoy today.

Yes, in this part of the world there are many historical celebrations and special days set aside for remembrance. This one is no less important than any of the others and, perhaps, from a certain point of view, one of the most important.

We are lucky to be here. In so many ways. This coming Monday, let us express our gratitude in remembrance.


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