SCES Housing Specialist Kristin Bell recently spoke about elder housing options and resources for aging in place at the 21st Annual New England Resident Service Coordinators conference.
Kristin Bell specializes in helping older adults find housing that fits their needs, and she recently shared some of her expertise as a featured speaker at the 21st Annual NERSC (New England Resident Service Coordinators) Conference.
Bell, who is a Housing Specialist and Elder Care Advisor at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES), presented a workshop titled: Meeting Your Residents’ Needs to Age in Place or Explore Other Housing Settings. Bell previously worked as a Resident Services Coordinator, and said it was great meeting with other professionals to share ideas and experiences.
“It was an exciting opportunity to be able to give back to this group of dedicated professionals who have such a positive impact in their communities. Their commitment to enhancing their residents’ quality of lives is immeasurable. I was hoping with this presentation, to open up some options for successfully living in community as one ages,” said Bell.
Resident Services Coordinators play an important role in affordable housing communities, helping residents maintain tenancy through a combination of problem-solving and providing connections to helpful resources.
As a Housing Specialist, Bell’s primary focus is helping to connect older adults with housing resources. She typically starts by providing an overview of affordable and assisted living options, and can also assist with the application process.
Bell said the conference audience was very engaged, and gave examples of how they have helped their residents age in their apartments with supports and social opportunities. “We all learned a lot from each other, which was the goal,” said Bell.
Kristin Bell is a Housing Specialist at the Aging Information Center at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES), a private, non-profit agency dedicated to improving the quality of life and maintaining the dignity and independence of older people in Somerville and Cambridge. To learn more, contact the SCES Aging Information Center by calling 617-628-2601 or email info@eldercare.org.
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