Somerville girls cross country team focuses on state tourney

On November 3, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Mike Rubin

After capturing their second consecutive Greater Boston League crown, the Somerville High School girls cross country team has loftier goals in mind.

Posting a 4-0 undefeated mark, the Highlanders are more than prepared for Saturday’s Division 1 state meet, which will be held at Franklin Park.

“We have to come out with a strong start,” said coach Charlie Tesch. “Obviously, weather is going to be a factor, and we’ll have to wait and see. The weather is supposed to be a bit chilly this week, so we’re going to have to prepare accordingly.”

Finishing just inside the top 20 last season in the states last season, the Highlanders will no doubt have another daunting task to qualify for the All-States. Only the top percentage of teams actually advance, and Tesch remains optimistic of his team’s chances.

“The girls have come a long way, and they’re working hard,” said Tesch. “They’ve put forth a tremendous amount of effort, and they’ve done a great job. They’re really working hard out there.”

Leading the way for the Highlanders are the group of Iaritza Menjivar as well as Rita Kellier, Melina Jarrow and Maggie Langwig, who all fared well in its title clinching win over Malden.

In Saturday’s Greater Boston League meet at Fresh Pond, the Highlanders captured the title, emerging with a total of 37 points. Leading the way was Menjivar, who recorded a first place time of 19:56 while Mei finished third (20:23). Also contributing was Kelliher with a seventh place time of 21:52 along with Langwig (22:02), and Melina Garro, who finished with a time of 23:37.


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