Planning begins for 2011 Somerville Open Studios

Visitors tour the Lapin Press studio during the 2010 Somerville Open Studios weekend. - Photo by Terry Dovidio
By Elizabeth Sheeran
Artists and “artists-at-heart” are invited to the 2011 Somerville Open Studios kick-off meeting, to be held on November 3 at 7 p.m. at the Brickbottom Gallery, 1 Fitchburg Street, in Somerville.
The 2011 Open Studios weekend, scheduled for April 30 and May 1, promises to be even bigger and better than the 2010 event, which involved over 350 artists welcoming the public into their creative spaces at more than 100 locations, said co-coordinator Terry Dovidio.
“It’s a huge undertaking. We need help in almost every area right now, and we welcome anyone who wants to get involved,” she said.
Dovidio said this year’s goals include involving more local schools, including more single-artist studios, and expanding the use of smart phone technology to act as a guide to the various venues. She said the Open Studios event, now in its thirteenth year in Somerville, is unique because it’s much more than a showcase of the artists’ work.
“This is artists opening the doors to the inner workings of their studios. It’s more about looking into the brain and the process and the inspiration of the artists,” said Dovidio.
She said the dozens of volunteers who make Open Studios possible each spring are also helping build their community – not just because the event attracts thousands of visitors to Somerville every year, but because it supports local artists.
“Having these artists in the city improves the whole culture in the city and makes it a better place to live,” said Dovidio. “Art makes life beautiful.”
For more information about how to get involved, go to
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