A group of 60 Boy Scouts hiked the Minutemen’s Pursuit Trail to Prospect Hill Tower on April 19.
By Judy Carlson
Shortly after sunrise on Friday, April 19, as predictions of rainy weather gave way to a pleasantly overcast, breezy day, some 60 Boy Scouts and adult leaders met to hike in the historic pathway of events of April 19, 1775.
They planned to follow the Minutemen’s Pursuit Trail, a National Historic Trail of the Boy Scouts of America that was created by the Spirit of Adventure Council and Concord Scout House.
Though Somerville, which used to be part of Charlestown, offered more level terrain than the earlier hills of Concord and Lincoln, it was here that the militia-hikers encountered the steepest section of the trail.
The official end point of the 20-mile hike was the top of Prospect Hill Tower. To their surprise, victuals from Union Square Donuts awaited them at the base of the tower. Also warmly welcoming the Scouts was Somerville’s own Lawrence Willwerth, representing a citizen of 1775 Charlestown.
After explaining the historical significance of the site and sharing maps depicting Boston, Charlestown, and Somerville through the years, he took groups to the top of the tower which, thanks to the Town of Somerville, was open for the occasion.
Led by David Owen of Concord Scout House, the hikers had completed their pursuit. Around sunset, with the Boston skyline in the background and the Grand Union Flag hoisted above the tired but proud Scouts, it was time once again to recognize the heroic actions of all those who inspired the creation of this hike.
Next year, April 19 will be on a weekend, making it an opportunity for even more Scouts to better understand what happened that day in 1775.
I am so happy to read a nice story about young people. Scouting is a great activity to be involved. I made it as far as Star Scout when I was a youth.
Keep up the good work!