Throughout the month of May, the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission (SHPC) partners with local organizations to host events honoring Somerville’s history and historic assets. All events are open to the public, ADA accessible, and free.
- May – October. Launch of Volunteer Docent Program. Three Historic Sites: Prospect Hill Tower, Milk Row Cemetery, and Old Powder House. Full season schedule on weekends and Thursday evenings is posted on the SHPC and City websites, and at each site.
- POSTPONED TO RAIN DATE MAY 5…Thursday, May 2, 7:00– 9:00 p.m. Film Showing of “Citizen Jane: Battle for the City.” Co-sponsored with Union Square Main Streets and Remnant Brewing. Documentary (92 min.) kick-off for “Jane’s Walk” on Sun. Highlights why Jane Jacobs so widely acclaimed for her visionary activism, enabling residents to successfully challenge a major highway project through NYC in the 60’s, and more. Outdoors at Remnant’s courtyard, so dress for the weather. Rain date on Sunday evening.
- Thursday, May 2, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. First Seasonal Public Opening of Old Powder House.
- Sunday, May 5, 2:00-4:00 p.m. First Seasonal Public Opening of Milk Row Cemetery.
- Sunday, May 5, 2:00–4:00 p.m. “Jane’s Walk.” Theme for this year’s annual event celebrating Jane Jacobs, a world-renowned urban activist, is “Somerville’s Winter Hill and Gilman Square: Past, Present and Future.” Co-sponsored with the Gilman Square and Winter Hill Neighborhood Associations, this neighbor-led tour will start atop Winter Hill (425 Broadway), and meander downward to end at Gilman Square, with the upcoming GLX station and a newly designed SHS campus. More about Jane’s Walks at www.janeswalk.org Rain or shine! Be sure to stop by nearby Somerville Open Studios spots SOS which occur both Sat. and Sun., noon-6pm. Walkers grab coffee at Winter Hill Brewery (free small) & ice cream (discounted) at Tipping Cow.
- Thursday, May 9, 6:00-8:00 p.m. First Seasonal Public Opening of Prospect Hill Tower.
- Sunday, May 12, 2:00-4:30 p.m. Walking Tour: “East Somerville’s Tucked Away Architectural Treasures.” Ed Gordon, President of the New England Chapter of the Victorian Society in America, will lead a lively walking tour of historic buildings and landscapes already undergoing changes. Co-sponsored with East Somerville Main Streets. Meet at Mudflats, 81 Broadway. End at Holiday Inn, an enduring hospitality venue offering complimentary refreshments. Rain or shine!
- Wednesday, May 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m. A Talk “Researching the History of Your House and Your Family,” will be given by 3 key resources — Kristi Chase, Preservation Planner, and Kevin O’Kelly, Reference Librarian for the SPL. Find out how each resource can help you research the history of your house and family through a mini tour of genealogy resources at the Somerville Library and beyond, as well as some tips for getting started. Somerville Central Library, 79 Highland Ave.
- Saturday, May 18, 10:00 a.m. – noon. Family Walking Tour in East Somerville. Scavenger hunt will use manhole covers identified by local artist, plus other urban artifacts, to explore Somerville history and what makes our city tick. Designed for youth and their families. Start hunt at East Branch Public Library and end at the East Somerville Community School. Rain date: Sunday 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
- Thursday, May 23, 6:00-8:00 p.m. “Conservation Project Talk and Tour of the Milk Row Cemetery.” Barbara Mangum, Objects Conservator and President of the Somerville Museum, Dressed in period clothing will highlight the work her firm recently completed with the City’s Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds. Many markers and the Civil War Monument were repaired, cleaned and reset in this compact burial ground. Founded in 1804 by Samuel Tufts it sits on farmland once part of Charlestown. Light refreshments donated by Market Basket, a “Friend of the Cemetery.” Meet at the front gate at 439 Somerville Avenue. Heavy rain cancels.
- Thursday, May 30, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony. A reception, with light refreshments, will be followed by the 24th annual ceremony to honor 8 Somerville owners for their award-winning preservation work on the exterior of their properties. Properties include both historically designated homes as well as older buildings in the City. The event takes place in the historically unique space within the Somerville Armory, 191 Highland Avenue. Also see owner interviews on the website and a mobile exhibit of the artwork at Century Bank, 102 Fellsway West, a major sponsor of the Program.
For more information, contact SHPC Executive Director Brandon Wilson at 617-625-6600 x2532 or via bwilson@somervillema.gov or visit www.somervillema.gov/historicpreservation or Somerville Historic Preservation Commission FB page for updates, flyers, and photos.
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