Sally Cragin is an award-winning journalist whose arts writing and theatre reviews appeared regularly in the Boston Phoenix, Boston Herald, and most recently, the Boston Globe. She has won two Penney-Missouri Journalism awards for feature writing. From 1999 to 2001, she was the chief drama critic for the St. Louis Riverfront Times. She has also taught critical writing at Harvard Extension School, Webster University (St. Louis), and Fitchburg State University. She also lived in Somerville when it was cheap – those were the days!

Sally Cragin
One remembers it gritty — grubby, stained
Newspaper-smeared, spilled beer on your sleeve
And loud, so loud you dissolve in the beat
And everyone’s heat, and the heaving swell
Of guitar chords simmering, smashing, and crashing
All bodies collide in the universe inside
Heaven or hell – you decide
— Sally Cragin
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
Great poem, Sally!
Long Live #Button!