Newstalk – April 3

On April 3, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The first week of the Ball Square bridge being closed has passed, and various shops and restaurants tell us that business is still good. One told us they broke a record for Saturday afternoon. But several local eateries are depending on you to continue stopping in and having a great breakfast or lunch. Whether it’s Ball Square Café, Sound Bites, Kelly’s Diner, or Victor’s Deli – which everyone loves – please don’t forget them. Business will be rough, but each place in Ball Square has loyal dedicated customers who need to keep coming back. Don’t forget the many other businesses in Ball Square either. So far, as we are located here in Ball Square (the newspaper) traffic hasn’t been that bad!


A third East Somerville Reunion is set for this year. Dan Rogovich has let us know he is once again planning it. Lots of people who grew up in East Somerville have missed the last two but wanted to have a third. Thanks to Dan, who is an East Somerville lover, managed to get the Somerville City Club booked on Saturday, June 15. Dan and his assistants worked hard on the past two and they will do the same this year to make it a success. Many here at The Times are from East Somerville and we will be there, and we have already reached out to others. A small group of “down backers” behind the Bucket who grew up there in the 60’s will all be there. They meet every four or so months to talk about old times and great times. Help make this a success. Go online to Facebook to check it out. Ask Dan what you can do to help. He is looking for the food, entertainment and just plain East Somerville fun. Charlestown line to McGrath Hwy., is considered East Somerville, which includes Glen Park, Florence St. Park, Prescott School, Seven Son’s Restaurant, Trina’s on Washington, Steve’s, Tip Top, S&S Subs on Cross Street, Avenue’s, Broadway show, lower Broadway, Tufts St., Murray St. and Charles St.


We are hearing a lot of concerns about the City Council and their questioning of those that are being considered for city board positions as proposed by the mayor. Can it be the harsh and rude questions and comments by several Council members which we hear are just about crossing the line? So, if you’re being considered for an appointment be prepared for whatever the council throws at you.


Once again for the 7th year now, the Freemasons on Highland Ave. are hosting their annual Giggles night club with a great night of comedy and a silent auction. The event is on April 24, doors open at 630 p.m. at The Tower of Pizza on Rte. 1, Saugus, Giggles Comedy Club. This year, like the last, local comedian and great guy Lenny Clark will be there, and he’s bringing some of his friends. It should be a great night for laughs, all the pizza you can eat and over 20 baskets to bid on at the silent auction. The money raised is for the “insurance fund” for the Masonic Building at 125 Highland (rear) Somerville. Open to Masons, their families and friends, cost is only $25 pp. For more information, contact the President of the Association, Bobby Potaris, at or the Secretary of the Association, Mark Aubuchon, at, or if you prefer just show up at the door.


We heard that Maria Gabriella LoRusso, who turned 10 last week, as we mentioned her here in Newstalk, was happy about the recognition. We now hear that not only is she taking up violin lessons she also is taking piano lessons. And she’s only 10, can you believe that?


Others celebrating their birthdays this week: Happy birthday to Jeffrey Lewis, a great guy and recent grandfather. Happy birthday to Sue Pye, a nice lady who we even ran into at Leon’s last week. Happy birthday to Tyler Hart, of the famous Hart family from Spring Hill. A personal happy birthday to Robert Campbell, who turns 83 this week. Happy Belated birthday to Michael Sullivan formerly of Berkeley Street in Somerville who celebrated on March 20. To the many others we didn’t post over the last couple of months, we wish them a very happy belated birthday and apologize. To those that are celebrating this week, and we didn’t post, again we wish you the best of birthdays.


The Somerville City Club manager Donny Johnson is looking all the time for new members to join the club, if you think you’d be interested give him a call at 617-623-9340. It’s a great local club for the residents of Somerville, and has been around now for over 40 years, their location on Innerbelt Road. Plenty of parking and a very nice hall for rent, some say the best deal in Somerville. Call the hall and ask for details at 617-623-9340.


We have someone damaging our boxes out there in the streets. So far, two have been destroyed lately. If you see someone doing it call us, no questions asked. A small reward be given for letting us know who it is.


Looking for a job as a real estate professional here in the Greater Boston area and Somerville? Contact our office, Century 21 North East – Norton Group RE, 699 Broadway, Somerville. Call 617-623-6600 or email Century 21 North East has over 45 offices here in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Maine. It’s the fastest growing company around, headed by Jimmy D’Amico, originally from Chelsea. Find out why so far since January 1 of this year over 100 agents both new and existing have joined with C21 North East. With over 800 agents, it’s all about family and good business sense.


Don’t forget, street sweeping started this week. The street sweeping season runs from April 1 to December 31 each year. Check the signs on your street, or look up your street sweeping schedule and sign up for street sweeping alerts at


The Somerville Legislative Matters Committee is holding two public hearings on Thursday, April 4, at 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 93 Highland Ave., on a Home Rule Petition to the State Legislature requesting that 16- and 17-year-old Somerville citizens be granted legal voting rights for municipal elections. Students and other members of the public are invited to attend and speak. Public testimony is generally limited to two minutes per person and may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. Written testimony for the public record may also be submitted to and through Friday, April 12. Learn more at: .


2 Responses to “Newstalk – April 3”

  1. Ron Newman says:

    When listing Ball Square businesses to patronize, let’s also remember True Grounds.

  2. Janie says:

    Sorry, can’t get there from here. How do you tell people to patronize businesses, then close every street leading into the square?