Be Somerville

On March 29, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers.)

By Joseph A. Curtatone

A monthly look at ways to get involved with your city: Don’t just live in Somerville, be Somerville!

Join a Board or Commission

The City is accepting applications to fill vacancies on five boards and commissions – the Planning Board, the Somerville Redevelopment Authority, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission, and the Somerville Housing Authority. To learn more about each position and how to apply, visit All applications are due by Wednesday, April 17.

Vision Zero Community Meetings, March 27 and April 24

The City of Somerville has been working to produce a strategic plan to guide its safe streets work, using the global “Vision Zero” movement as a framework to eliminate traffic crashes that result in severe injuries and fatalities.  At two upcoming community meetings residents and stakeholders are invited to discuss the City’s public policy framework around safe streets:

  • Community Meeting, Wednesday, March 27, 6:30 p.m., East Somerville Community School auditorium, 50 Cross St.
  • Community Meeting,Wednesday, April 24, 6 p.m., East Somerville Community School auditorium, 50 Cross St.

Community Preservation Plan Public Hearing, March 27

The Community Preservation Committee will hold their annual Community Preservation Plan public hearing on Wednesday, March 27, at 7 p.m. in the 3rd floor Community Room at the Visiting Nurse Association, 259 Lowell St. The Community Preservation Plan establishes the annual funding priorities and allocations for the three categories that Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds can support: affordable housing, historic resources, and open space/recreation land. The draft plan is available at the CPA website at


Deadline to Apply for Property Tax Exemptions, April 1

If you own and live in a property in Somerville, you are likely eligible for the residential exemption, which reduces your tax bill. There are also other exemptions available for seniors, people with an eligible disability, Veterans, and more. The deadline to apply for these exemptions is Monday, April 1. Visit or call Tax Assistant Janneke Donovan at 617-625-6600 ext. 3522 to learn more about exemptions and other programs to help with tax bills.


Street Sweeping Resumes, April 1

Somerville’s street cleaning program is an essential public works program that not only keeps our city cleaner but also reduces the risk of flooding and icing due to clogged storm drains. It also keeps debris out of our sewer system. The street sweeping season runs from April 1 to December 31 each year. Check the signs on your street, or look up your street sweeping schedule and sign up for street sweeping alerts at to avoid parking tickets.

Harris Park Landscape Plan Community Meeting, April 3

The former Harris Park, now an empty lot by the Stop & Shop in East Somerville, is about to be transformed into a new park. Come to a community meeting on Wednesday, April 3, to talk about the design for the park renovation as well as tree plantings and removals. The community meeting is being held at the Cross Street Center, 165 Broadway, from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information, email Streetscape and Public Space Planner Cortney Kirk at


City Council Public Hearing on Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Safety, April 3

Residents are invited to attend and speak at a Public Hearing on traffic safety, traffic calming, and the Traffic Calming Petition submitted by the Somerville Pedestrian and Transit Advocacy Group. The hearing will take place on Wednesday, April 3, at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 93 Highland Ave. Testimony will inform ongoing Council deliberations and City efforts to improve the safety of Somerville streets for all. Written testimony may be submitted to by Friday, April 12.


City Council Hearing on Youth Voting Rights for Municipal Elections, April 4

There will be two hearings on Thursday, April 4, to hear testimony on a request from Mayor Joseph Curtatone to file a Home Rule Petition to the State Legislature requesting that 16 and 17-year-old Somerville citizens be allowed to vote in municipal elections. The hearings will be held at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 93 Highland Ave. The proposed Home Rule Petition is one of several recommendations made by the Mayor’s Clean and Open Elections Task Force. Written testimony may be submitted to by Friday, April 12.


Community Meeting to Discuss Parking during High School Building Project, April 8

Work is moving along on the new Somerville High School and our next quarterly meeting to discuss parking around the whole Central Hill campus is coming up on Monday, April 8. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. at the Somerville High School cafeteria, 81 Highland Ave. You can also get updates and provide parking feedback online at Along with a general feedback form, there is also a short survey specifically about on-street parking in the neighborhood.


City Alerts

Get important City notifications for snow emergencies, construction, detours, and other public safety matters delivered to your phone (voice and text) and/or your email. Sign up for alerts at


City Newsletter 

For weekly updates on city cultural and civic events, City services, job openings, and more, sign up for the City e-newsletter at


City Calendar

Look up city events and meetings (as well as agendas and minutes) 24/7 on the City calendar at


2 Responses to “Be Somerville”

  1. Tom says:

    Join a Board or Commission? To be embarrassed and humiliated by the gang of 6?

  2. TheoNa says:

    Another option for the citizens of Somerville is to run for office and restore sanity to our government. Nomination forms are now available.

    To Run for Local Office You Must:
    •Be a resident of Somerville for at least six months.
    •Be a registered voter in Somerville (for city-wide office).
    •Be a registered voter in a specific ward (to run for a ward office).
    •File the required number of certified signatures, in a timely fashion, on Nomination Papers provided by the Election Department.Note:

    Candidates for Mayor, Alderman at Large and Ward Alderman must contact and file with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance at 617-979-8300 You can also visit the OCPF Website at for School Committee will file Statement of Organization and Campaign Finance reports with the Somerville Election Department.

    A link is available on the Somerville web site with the specifics, however some details are not posted.