Groundwork Somerville will conduct its annual Maple Syrup Boil Down Saturday, ~Photo by Bobbie Toner
Community members of all ages are invited to the free Boil Down event at Groundwork Somerville’s urban farm located at 138 South St. between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 16. Sap from local sugar maple trees will be boiled down into pure maple syrup over a hot fire, using a “boiler” built by Somerville high school students.
Attendees can expect syrup-tasting, kids’ activities, live music, tapping demonstrations, and more. Waffles, hot drinks, and Maple Syrup Project T-shirts and posters will be on sale to support the continuation of the program as a free offering to schools.
Check the Groundwork Somerville Facebook page and website for updates . Use #maplesyrupproject2019 to follow the maple syrup news or to post about the event(s), and join in at this unique outdoor festival as we celebrate this delicious winter food tradition and our local urban resources.
Rain date: Sunday, March 17th from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
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