This collaboration with the Somerville Arts Council and In Her Words Diary photographer, Emily Falcigno, formed in the spirit of the #MeToo Movement and the Women’s March with the desire to amplify marginalized voices. In honor of Women’s History Month in March, the Inside-OUT gallery will showcase a variety of experiences and provoke thoughtful conversation around everyday feminism. Visible Voices will be on view from March 12-April 15.
Through a series of community workshops, participants transcribed their personal experiences on paper dolls to create a snapshot of the state of feminism. Submissions from the Visible Voices workshops will be a featured with In Her Words Diary photographs. The main workshop will invite all genders to discuss and “practice” feminism together.
In Her Words Diary photographs illustrate females’ battles or triumphs paired with their handwritten story (aka ‘visible voice’), rendering the often-silenced voices amplified and validated. What emerges from the viewers is empathy, connection, and new perspectives on what females experience. Every. Single. Day. The goal is to foster a supportive sisterly community by creating a sense of belonging across identities, cultures, races, classes, and generations.
Visible Voices: Celebrating the Unedited Feminist Story Exhibit on view from March 10-April 15
Location: Inside-OUT gallery (CVS Window in Davis Square)
Address: One Davis Square, Somerville
Visible Voices Discussion Workshop
Wednesday, March 20 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Connexion 149 Broadway, Somerville
About the workshop:
Sharing stories of our gendered experiences helps us confront social issues and celebrate acts of kindness. What stories from the paper dolls and photographs do you relate to? What stories irk you? What stories encourage you?
Please join us for an evening of thoughtful dialogue as we challenge gender norms and tap into compassion. Contribute to the discussion on how the equality of all genders can benefit our whole community. Our discussion will be facilitated by In Her Words Diary Photographer, Emily Falcigno; Expressive Arts Therapist, Liana van de Water; Meditation Coach and Leader, Zola Coleman; and humanist photographer, Johnny Yong.
What stories do you want to tell?
To learn more about the project check out the interview from Somerville Media Center:
— Somerville Arts Council
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