The City is now accepting applications for positions on Mayor Joseph Curtatone’s Appointments Advisory Committee (AAC). The Committee reviews applications and makes recommendations for vacant Mayor-appointed posts on boards and commissions with regulatory or decision-making authority.
Individuals on the AAC are entrusted with making nonpartisan and informed recommendations for appointments to critical boards and commissions that serve the community such as, but not limited to, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the Conservation Commission, the Planning Board, the Somerville Redevelopment Authority, and the Ethics Commission. Members evaluate applicants based on relevant qualifications, interests, experiences, skills, and their ability and commitment to represent and serve the interests of the entire community.
The City advertises open positions and collects applications and then sends them to the AAC for review of the applicants’ qualifications and eligibility. The AAC meets as needed when vacancies arise. Typically, the AAC meets three times for each vacancy: once to review applications, once to interview finalists, and once to finalize recommendations. The Committee then presents its recommendations to the Mayor, who will make the final selection, and submit the appointment to the City Council for confirmation. AAC members serve for one-year terms.Interested residents who wish to apply for the Appointments Advisory Committee should submit a resume and cover letter that answers the following questions:
- Why are you interested in serving on the Appointments Advisory Committee?
- What characteristics, skills, or abilities do you believe are necessary for an effective municipal board member?
- What experience do you have with hiring or interviewing? What do you think makes for an effective applicant screening process?
- Somerville’s residents reflect rich and diverse life experiences and perspectives. The City believes that a diversity of viewpoints and backgrounds enriches decision-making and innovation that, as a result, benefits the Somerville community. Please comment on how the Appointments Advisory Committee can further the City’s goals in this regard.
- Please describe your approach to team decision-making. How would you approach a situation where AAC members held opposing positions?
Please submit your AAC application by emailing kstelljes@somervillema.gov by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3; or by U.S. mail with a postmark on or before April 3 to Attn.: Kristen Stelljes, Mayor’s Office, City of Somerville, 93 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA 02143. Applicants must be Somerville residents. This is a volunteer position
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact should contact Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or NSalamoun@somervillema.gov.
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