Infrastructure repairs in and around Davis Sq. are badly needed, according to the advocacy group DavisNow.
By Jackson Ellison
DavisNow, an organization focused on repairing Davis Square, held a public meeting on February 13 at the Dilboy Post. The purpose of the meeting was to layout the current problems with the area that need to be addressed immediately. The meeting was attended by multiple city and government officials, as well as members of the community.
Jack Connolly, a former Alderman, says the city of Somerville has neglected Davis Sq. for years, causing it to fall into disrepair. DavisNow is pushing for small improvements, “We want stuff that is easily discernible fixed, we want bricks fixed, we want crosswalks fixed,” said Connolly.
There was a special task force dedicated to Davis Sq. that started in the 1970s and was active until the 2000s. the task force would meet and discuss what was going on in the area, they would also present their ideas in front of the city council. “Davis Sq. was run down, and this task force put effort into building it up,” said Connolly.
However, after the task force disbanded, Davis Sq. stopped being brought up to city council on a consistent basis, and the need for improvement went unnoticed for a number of years. Connolly says there was a lot going on in Somerville so people forgot about Davis Sq. but now it’s time to give it the attention it deserves. “You can’t go thirty years without fixing sidewalks and tree wells, “said Connolly.
DavisNow, is trying to replicate the task force, by having the sole purpose of improving Davis Sq. as soon as possible. Members have already gone around the square and taken pictures of problem areas that need the most help, “This group has done the work the city should have,” said Connolly.
Connolly estimates that the cost for the improvements DavisNow is proposing would be around $740,000.
Davis Sq. has become a popular location in Somerville, with a lot of different businesses and people moving into the area. It is even a big generator of tax revenue for Somerville. Connolly says that 25 percent of the city’s taxes came from the Davis Sq. area.
There are longer-term goals planned for Davis Sq. like adding new office buildings, but DavisNow is pushing for small changes before the city launches a major development.
Connolly says the response from the city council members could not have been better, as this was the first meeting put on by DavisNow, and already a second meeting is being planned for April to go into more detail on the planning process.
All the City cares about is construction of new buildings and condos and not one bit of maintaining what’s in place. Just drive around Davis sq. or worse Winter Hill and see for yourself what a dump it’s become. Horrible roads, sidewalks, etc. Then I wonder why outsiders call this place Slummerville…shame.
MacG, not to say the roads are not in need of repair, but I am going to guess you were not here before the mid 90s.
A lot of us did question the use of brick. It looks nice, but maintenance in a region with four such distinct seasons was never going to keep up.
I hope when is is repaired it is done in a more utilitarian and functional manner.
The bricks will always come up, and even before they do walking on them is hazardous for the elderly and near impossible for the disabled.
It is true that the upkeep of the city has really gone downhill in recent years. What is that quote about determining what people want from government…..trash picked up and roads maintained? Let’s fill the potholes and stop wasting money painting new lines every few days that noone can even decipher.